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price api overhaul
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CelestialCrafter committed Nov 25, 2023
1 parent 082448f commit 95a01a0
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Showing 14 changed files with 216 additions and 108 deletions.
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions algorithms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
from talib import BBANDS
from price import get_periods

def algorithm(prices, window_size=get_periods(20, 'days'), standard_deviations=2):
upper_band, middle_band, lower_band = BBANDS(prices, window_size, standard_deviations, standard_deviations, 0)
return upper_band, lower_band, middle_band
def algorithm(prices, window_size=(20, 'days'), standard_deviations=2):
return BBANDS(prices, timeperiod=get_periods(*window_size), nbdevup=standard_deviations, nbdevdn=standard_deviations)

def signal(prices, data):
upper_band, lower_band, middle_band = data
upper_band, middle_band, lower_band = data
if prices[-1] > upper_band[-1]:
return 'sell', 1
elif prices[-1] < lower_band[-1]:
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7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions algorithms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
from price import get_periods
from .bollinger_bands import algorithm as bollinger_bands
from .rsi import algorithm as rsi

def algorithm(prices, window_size_rsi=get_periods(13, 'days'), window_size_bollinger_bands=get_periods(1, 'month')):
upper_band, lower_band, middle_band = bollinger_bands(prices, window_size=window_size_bollinger_bands)
def algorithm(prices, window_size_rsi=(13, 'days'), window_size_bollinger_bands=(1, 'month')):
bb_data = bollinger_bands(prices, window_size=window_size_bollinger_bands)
rsi_line = rsi(prices, window_size=window_size_rsi)

return upper_band, lower_band, middle_band, rsi_line
return [*bb_data, rsi_line]

def signal(prices, data):
price = prices[-1]
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions algorithms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
from talib import RSI
from price import get_periods

def algorithm(prices, window_size=get_periods(14, 'days')):
return RSI(prices, window_size)
def algorithm(prices, window_size=(14, 'days')):
return RSI(prices, timeperiod=get_periods(*window_size))

def signal(prices, data, high=70, low=30):
rsi = data
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134 changes: 98 additions & 36 deletions environment.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,61 +3,123 @@ channels:
- conda-forge
- defaults
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- libbrotlienc=1.0.9
- libclang=14.0.6
- libclang13=14.0.6
- libcups=2.4.2
- libdeflate=1.17
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- packaging=23.1
- pcre=8.45
- pillow=10.0.1
- pip=23.2.1
- python=3.10.13
- ply=3.11
- pyparsing=3.0.9
- pyqt=5.15.7
- python=3.10.0
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- python_abi=3.10
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- sip=6.6.2
- six=1.16.0
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- ta-lib=0.4.19
- ta-lib=0.4.28
- tk=8.6.12
- vc=14.2
- vs2015_runtime=14.27.29016
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- tornado=6.3.3
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- wheel=0.41.2
- xz=5.4.2
- zlib=1.2.13
- zstd=1.5.5
- pip:
- async-timeout==4.0.3
- blinker==1.6.2
- backtrader==
- blinker==1.6.3
- certifi==2023.7.22
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- six==1.16.0
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prefix: C:\Users\Celestial2\miniconda3\envs\auto-trading
- tomli==2.0.1
- urllib3==2.0.6
- waitress==2.1.2
- werkzeug==3.0.0
- yapf==0.40.2
- zipp==3.17.0
prefix: /home/celestial/anaconda3/envs/auto-trading
21 changes: 9 additions & 12 deletions plots/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,23 +3,20 @@
from algorithms.bollinger_bands import algorithm as boillinger_bands
import plots.colors as colors

def plot(prices, **kwargs):
upper_band, lower_band, middle_band = boillinger_bands(prices, **kwargs)
def plot(prices, timestamps, **kwargs):
upper_band, middle_band, lower_band = boillinger_bands(prices, window_size=(20, 'days'), **kwargs)

indicies = np.arange(0, upper_band.shape[0])
sliced_prices = prices[:upper_band.shape[0]]

plt.fill_between(indicies, upper_band, lower_band, color='grey', alpha=0.3)
plt.fill_between(timestamps, upper_band, lower_band, color='grey', alpha=0.3)

# Price/SMA
plt.plot(indicies, sliced_prices, color=colors.mainline())
plt.plot(indicies, middle_band, color=colors.secondaryline())
plt.plot(timestamps, prices, color=colors.mainline())
plt.plot(timestamps, middle_band, color=colors.secondaryline())

# Buy/Sell Signals
upper_condition = sliced_prices >= upper_band
lower_condition = sliced_prices <= lower_band
upper_condition = prices >= upper_band
lower_condition = prices <= lower_band

plt.scatter(indicies[upper_condition], sliced_prices[upper_condition], color=colors.upper())
plt.scatter(indicies[lower_condition], sliced_prices[lower_condition], color=colors.lower())
plt.scatter(timestamps[upper_condition], prices[upper_condition], color=colors.upper())
plt.scatter(timestamps[lower_condition], prices[lower_condition], color=colors.lower())

return plt
17 changes: 7 additions & 10 deletions plots/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,30 +1,27 @@
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plots.colors as colors
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from algorithms.custom_bollinger_rsi import algorithm as custom_bollinger_rsi
from plots.rsi import plot as rsi
from plots.bollinger_bands import plot as bollinger_bands

def plot(prices, **kwargs):
def plot(prices, timestamps, **kwargs):
gs = GridSpec(3, 1, figure=plt.gcf())

plt.subplot(gs[0, :])
indicies = np.arange(0, prices.shape[0])
plt.plot(indicies, prices, color=colors.mainline())
plt.plot(timestamps, prices, color=colors.mainline())

upper_band, lower_band, middle_band, rsi_line = custom_bollinger_rsi(prices, **kwargs)
upper_band, middle_band, lower_band, rsi_line = custom_bollinger_rsi(prices, **kwargs)
sliced_prices = prices[:min(upper_band.shape[0], rsi_line.shape[0])]
indicies = np.arange(0, indicies.shape[0])

upper_condition = (prices >= upper_band) & (rsi_line >= 70)
lower_condition = (prices >= lower_band) & (30 >= rsi_line)
plt.scatter(indicies[upper_condition], sliced_prices[upper_condition], color=colors.upper())
plt.scatter(indicies[lower_condition], sliced_prices[lower_condition], color=colors.lower())
plt.scatter(timestamps[upper_condition], sliced_prices[upper_condition], color=colors.upper())
plt.scatter(timestamps[lower_condition], sliced_prices[lower_condition], color=colors.lower())

plt.subplot(gs[-1, :])
rsi(prices, timestamps)
plt.subplot(gs[-2, :])
bollinger_bands(prices, timestamps)

return plt
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions plots/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plots.colors as colors

def plot(prices):
indicies = np.arange(0, prices.shape[0])
plt.plot(indicies, prices, color=colors.mainline())
def plot(prices, timestamps):
plt.plot(timestamps, prices, color=colors.mainline())

return plt
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions plots/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from algorithms.rsi import algorithm as rsi
import plots.colors as colors
from algorithms.rsi import algorithm as rsi

def plot(prices, **kwargs):
def plot(prices, timestamps, **kwargs):
rsi_line = rsi(prices, **kwargs)
indicies = np.arange(0, rsi_line.shape[0])

plt.plot(indicies, rsi_line, color=colors.mainline())
plt.plot(timestamps, rsi_line, color=colors.mainline())

# Thresholds
upper = np.full(rsi_line.shape, 70)
lower = np.full(rsi_line.shape, 30)

plt.fill_between(indicies, upper, lower, color='grey', alpha=0.3)
plt.plot(indicies, upper, linestyle='dashed', color=colors.upper())
plt.plot(indicies, lower, linestyle='dashed', color=colors.lower())
plt.fill_between(timestamps, upper, lower, color='grey', alpha=0.3)
plt.plot(timestamps, upper, linestyle='dashed', color=colors.upper())
plt.plot(timestamps, lower, linestyle='dashed', color=colors.lower())

return plt
9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions plots/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plots.colors as colors
import datetime as dt
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime as dt

def plot(timestamps, values):
def plot(values, timestamps):
values = np.array(values)
# times = [ dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp) for timestamp in timestamps ]
times = np.arange(0, values.shape[0]) * 5
plt.plot(times, values, color=colors.upper())
timestamps = [dt.fromtimestamp(timestamp) for timestamp in timestamps]
plt.plot(timestamps, values, color=colors.upper())

return plt

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