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#The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches, and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests and deacons. Book of common prayer. 1693#

##Church of England.## The book of common prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of the Church of England : together with the Psalter, or Psalms of David, pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches, and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of bishops, priests and deacons. Book of common prayer. 1693 Church of England.

##General Summary##


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Major revisions

  1. 2008-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2008-08 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2008-10 John Pas Sampled and proofread
  4. 2008-12 SPi Global Rekeyed and resubmitted
  5. 2012-02 John Latta Sampled and proofread
  6. 2012-02 John Latta Text and markup reviewed and edited
  7. 2012-05 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER And Adminiſtration of the SACRAMENTS, AND OTHER Rites and Ceremonies of th

  1. The CONTENTS of this BOOK.


  1. An ACT for the Uniformity of Common Prayer, and Service in the CHURCH, and Adminiſtration of the SACRAMENTS.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  2. An Act for the Ʋniformity of Publick Prayers, and Adminiſtration of Sacraments, and other Rites and Ceremonies: And for Eſtabliſhing the Form of Making, Ordaining, and Conſecrating Biſhops, Prieſts, and Deacons in the Church of England.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  3. The PREFACE.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  4. ¶ Proper LESSONS to be read at Morning and Evening Prayer on the Sundays and other Holidays throughout the Year.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  5. The Kalendar

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  6. TABLES and RULES for the Moveable and Immoveable Feaſts; together with the Days of Faſting and Abſtinence, through the whole YEAR.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  7. THE ORDER FOR Morning and Evening PRAYER

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  8. The Collects, Epiſtles, and Goſpels

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  9. The ORDER for the Adminiſtration of the LORDS SUPPER, or HOLY COMMUNION.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  10. The MINISTRATION of Publick BAPTISM of INFANTS, to be uſed in the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.


    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  12. The MINISTRATION of BAPTISM to ſuch as are of riper years, and able to anſwer for themſelves.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  13. A CATECHISM, that is to ſay, An Inſtruction to be learned of every Perſon, before he be brought to be Confirmed by the Biſhop.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  14. The ORDER of CONFIRMATION, or Laying on of Hands upon thoſe that are Baptized and come to years of Diſcretions.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  15. The Form of Solemnization of MATRIMONY.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  16. The ORDER for the VISITATION of the SICK.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  17. The ORDER for the BURIAL of the DEAD.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  18. The Thankſgiving of Women after CHILD-BIRTH, Commonly called, The Churching of Women.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  19. A COMMINATION, or Denouncing of Gods Anger and Judgments againſt Sinners, with certain Prayers to be uſed on the Firſt day of Lent, and at other times, as the Ordinary ſhall appoint.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  20. THE Pſalter or Pſalms OF DAVID,

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  21. Forms of Prayer to be uſed at SEA.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  22. THE Form and Manner OF Making, Ordaining and Conſecrating OF Biſhops, Prieſts, and Deacons, According to the Order of the Church of England.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16. Marie R.OUR Will and Pleaſure is, That theſe Three Forms of Prayer and Service made for the Fifth of _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  23. A Form of Prayer with Thankſgiving, To be uſed yearly upon the Fifth day of November; for the happy deliverance of King JAMES I. and the Three Eſtates of the Realm, from the moſt Traiterous and Bloudy intended Maſſacre by Gunpowder: And alſo for the happy Arrival of His preſent Majeſty on this Day for the Deliverance of our Church and Nation.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

  24. A Form of Prayer with Thankſgiving to Almighty God, For having put an end to the Great Rebellion by the Reſtitution of the King and Royal Family, and the Reſtauration of the Government after many Years Interruption: Which unſpeakable Mercies were wonderfully compleated upon the Twenty ninth of May, in the year 1660. And in Memory thereof that Day in every Year is by Act of Parliament appointed to be for ever kept holy.

    _ ¶ Concerning the Service of the CHURCH.

    _ ¶ Of CEREMONIES, Why ſome be aboliſhed, and ſome retained.

    _ ¶ The Order how the Pſalter is appointed to be read.

    _ ¶ The Order how the reſt of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read.

    _ THE Order for Morning Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer, Daily throughout the YEAR. ¶ Upon theſe Feaſts; Chriſtmas-day, the Epiphany, St. Matthias, Eaſter-day, Aſcenſion-day, Whitſun-d _ ¶ Here followeth the Litany, or General Supplication, to be ſung or ſaid after Morning Prayer upon Sundays, Wedneſdays and Fridays, and at other times, when it ſhall be commanded by the Ordinary.

    _ PRAYERS and THANKSGIVINGS upon ſeveral Occaſions, to be uſed before the two final Prayers of the Litany or of Morning and Evening Prayer.


    _ The firſt Sunday in Advent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Advent.

    _ The third Sunday in Advent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Advent.

    _ ¶ The NATIVITY of our LORD, or the Birth-day of CHRIST, commonly called Chriſtmas-day.

    _ S. Stephens day.

    _ S. John the Evangeliſts day.

    _ The Innocents day.

    _ The Sunday after Christmas-day.

    _ The Circumciſion of Chriſt.

    _ The Epiphany, or the Manifeſtation of Chriſt to the Gentiles.

    _ The firſt Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The third Sunday after Epiphany.

    _ The fourth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The fifth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The ſixth Sunday after the Epiphany.

    _ The Sunday called Septuageſima, or the third Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Sexageſima, or the ſecond Sunday before Lent.

    _ The Sunday called Quinquageſima, or the next Sunday before Lent.

    _ The firſt day of Lent, commonly called Aſhwedneſday.

    _ The firſt Sunday in Lent.

    _ The ſecond Sunday in Lent.

    _ The third Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fourth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The fifth Sunday in Lent.

    _ The Sunday next before Eaſter.

    _ Munday before Eaſter.

    _ Tueſday before Eaſter.

    _ Wedneſday before Eaſter.

    _ Thurſday before Eaſter.

    _ Good Friday.

    _ Eaſter Even.

    _ Eaſter-day.

    _ Munday in Eaſter Week.

    _ Tueſday in Eaſter Week.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The third Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Eaſter.

    _ The Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Sunday after Aſcenſion-day.

    _ Whitſunday.

    _ Munday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Tueſday in Whitſun Week.

    _ Trinity Sunday.

    _ The firſt Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſecond Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The third Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifth Sunday after Trinity

    _ The ſixth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventh Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ninth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The tenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eleventh Sunday after trinity.

    _ The twelfth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The thirteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fourteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The fifteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſixteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The ſeventeenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The eighteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The nineteenth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The one and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The two and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The three and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The four and twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ The twenty fifth Sunday after Trinity.

    _ Saint Andrews day.

    _ Saint Thomas the Apoſtle.

    _ The Converſion of Saint Paul.

    _ The Preſentation of Chriſt in the Temple, commonly called, The Purification of Saint Mary the Virgin.

    _ Saint Matthias day.

    _ The Annunciation of the bleſſed Virgin Mary.

    _ Saint Marks day.

    _ Saint Philip and Saint James day.

    _ Saint Barnabas the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint John Baptiſt.

    _ Saint Peters day.

    _ Saint James the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Bartholomew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Matthew the Apoſtle.

    _ Saint Michael and all Angels.

    _ Saint Luke the Evangeliſt.

    _ Saint Simon and Saint Jude Apoſtles.

    _ All Saints day. OUR Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, _ Collect. ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, turning to the People, rehearſe diſtinctly all the TEN COMMANDMENTS; and thLet us pray.ALmighty God, whoſe kingdom is everlaſting, and power infinite; Have mercy upon the whol¶ Or.ALmighty and everliving God, we are taught by thy holy Word, that the hearts of Kings are in th¶ Then ſhall be ſaid the Collect of the Day. And immediately after the Collect, the Prieſt ſhall reaI Believe in one God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things viſible and i¶ Then the Curate ſhall declare unto the People what Holy-days, or Faſting-days are in the Week follLEt your light ſo ſhine before men, that they may ſee your good works, and glorifie your Father whic¶ Whilſt theſe ſentences are in reading, the Deacons, Church-wardens, or other fit Perſon appointed Let us pray for the whole ſtate of Chriſts Church militant here in earth.ALmighty and everliving God¶ When the Miniſter giveth warning for the Celebration of the holy Communion, (which he ſhall alwaysDEarly beloved, on—day next, I purpoſe, through Gods aſſiſtance, to adminiſter to all ſuch as ſhall ¶ Or in caſe he ſhall ſee the People negligent to come to the holy Communion, in ſtead of the former¶ At the time of the Celebration of the Communion, the Communicants being conveniently placed for th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay to them that come to receive the holy Communion,YE that do truly and ear¶ Then ſhall this general Confeſſion be made, in the name of all thoſe that are minded to receive th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt (or the Biſhop being preſent) ſtand up, and turning himſelf to the People, p¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay,Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Chriſt ſaith unto all that truly¶ Proper Prefaces.¶ Upon Chriſtmas-day, and ſeven days after.BEcauſe thou didſt give Jeſus Chriſt th¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, kneeling down at the Lords Table, ſay in the name of all them that ſhall re¶ When the Prieſt, ſtanding before the Table, hath ſo ordered the Bread and Wine; that he may with t¶ Then ſhall the Miniſter firſt receive the Communion in both kinds himſelf, and then proceed to del¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt ſay, the Lords Prayer, the People repeating after him every Petition.OUr Fat¶ After ſhall be ſaid, as followeth.O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy humble ſervants entirely deſi¶ Or this.ALmighty and everliving God, we moſt heartily thank thee, for that thou doſt vouchſafe to ¶ Then ſhall be ſaid or ſung;GLory be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will towards men. We ¶ Then the Prieſt (or Biſhop, if he be preſent) ſhall let them depart with this Bleſſing.THe peace o¶ Collects to be ſaid after the Offertory, when there is no Communion, every ſuch day one or more; a¶ UPon the Sundays and other Holidays (if there be no Communion) ſhall be ſaid all that is appointedWHereas it is ordained in this Office for the Adminiſtration of the Lords Supper, that the Communica _ The Goſpel. S. Mark 10.13. ¶ After the Goſpel is read, the Miniſter ſhall make this brief Exhortation upon the words of the Goſ _ A Prayer for a ſick Child. ¶ A Prayer for a ſick Perſon, when there appeareth ſmall hope of Recovery.O Father of mercies, and G¶ A commendatory Prayer for a ſick Perſon at the point of departure.O Almighty God, with whom do liv¶ A Prayer for Perſons troubled in Mind or in Conſcience.O Bleſſed Lord, the Father of mercies, and _ The COMMUNION of the SICK. ¶ After which, the Prieſt ſhall proceed according to the Form before preſcribed for the holy Communi _ Dixi, Cuſtodiam. Pſal. 39.

    _ Domine, refugium. Pſal. 90.

    _ 1 Cor. 15.20. ¶ When they come to the Grave while the Corps is made ready to be laid into the Earth, the Prieſt ſh _ The Collect.

    _ Delexi, quoniam. Pſal. 116.

    _ Niſi Dominus. Pſal. 127. ¶Then the Prieſt ſhall ſay,Let us Pray.Lord, have mercy upon us.Chriſt, have mercy upon us.Lord, hav¶ And the People ſhall anſwer and ſay, Amen.Miniſter.Curſed is he that curſeth his father and mother¶ Then ſhall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Prieſt and Clerks kneeling (in the place whereOUr Father, which art in heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, Miniſter.O Lord, ſave thy ſervants;Anſwer.That put their truſt in thee.Miniſter.Send unto them help O Lord, we beſeech thee mercifully hear our prayers, and ſpare all thoſe who confeſs their ſins unto¶ Then ſhall the People ſay this that followeth, after the Miniſter.TUrn thou us, O good Lord, and ſ _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. Morning Prayer.Confitebor tibi. Pſal. 9.I Will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, with my whole heart: I _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

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    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer.

    _ Morning Prayer.

    _ Evening Prayer. O Eternal Lord God, who alone ſpreadeſt out the heavens, and ruleſt the raging of the ſea; who haſt _ The Collect.

    _ Prayers to be uſed in Storms at Sea. Or this.O Moſt glorious and gracious Lord God, who dwelleſt in heaven, but beholdeſt all things belo _ The prayer to be ſaid before a fight at Sea againſt any Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers for ſingle Perſons, that cannot meet to joyn in Prayer with others, by reaſon of the Fight or Storm.

    _ Special Prayers with reſpect to the Enemy.

    _ Short Prayers in reſpect of a Storm.

    _ The confeſſion.

    _ ¶ Then ſhall the Prieſt, if there be any in the Ship, Pronounce this Abſolution.

    _ Thankſgiving after a Storm.

    _ Collects of Thanksgiving.

    _ A Hymn of Praiſe and Thanksgiving after a dangerous Tempeſt.

    _ After Victory or Deliverance from an Enemy.

    _ At the Burial of their Dead at Sea.


    _ THE Form and Manner of Making of Deacons.

    _ THE Form and Manner of Ordering of Prieſts. The Form of Ordaining or Conſecrating of an ARCHBISHOP, or BISHOP; Which is always to be performed u _ The Epiſtle. Rom. 13.1.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Luke. 9.51.

    _ The Order for Morning Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.13.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 21.33.

    _ The Order for Evening Prayer.

    _ The Epiſtle. 1 S. Pet. 2.11.

    _ The Goſpel. S. Matth. 22.16.

Types of content

  • There are 102 verse lines!
  • There are 274 drama parts! This is prose drama.
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 19 omitted fragments! @reason (19) : illegible: missing (3), illegible: faint (5), illegible: blotted (9), duplicate (2) • @extent (19) : 1+ letters (7), 1 letter (8), 1 span (2), 1 page (2)

Character listing

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No description, website, or topics provided.






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