CNV detection using 12 independent change point detection algorithms and an expert voting system
See example at the bottom for complete walkthrough using synthetic data
Download zip file or pull master branch
R CMD build CNsolidate-master
R CMD install CNsolidate_1.2.tar.gz
Load library with R in the usual way:
All execution methods and parameter defintions are controlled by a single configuration object
Get a config object with defualt parameters
set = settings()
set$files$file = <YOUR_INPUT_FILE>
set$files$odir = <YOUR_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY>
set$files$format = "fe"
Note: format "fe" is for the Agilent feature extraction file format. Simple "bed" format also supported see walkthrough
Run all desired normalisation steps:
for (x in 1:length(set$norm)) {
if (set$norm[x] == 1) {
result <- try( names(set$norm[x]), list(set) ) )
Run all desired CNV detection algorithms:
for (x in 1:length(set$algorithms)) {
if (set$algorithms[x] == 1) {
result <- try( names(set$algorithms[x]), list(set) ) )
Run all desired combination, algorithm weighting, post processing and annotation steps:
for (x in 1:length(set$combine)) {
if (set$combine[x] == 1) {
result <- try( names(set$combine[x]), list(set) ) )
The final CNV calls are contained in a file with "_FinalReport.txt" extension which will be created in the ouput directory.
Make temp directory, cd and start R:
mytmpdir=`mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'mytmpdir'` && cd $mytmpdir
Run a test is R using synthetic data example
# load library
# generate some test data
outputdir = getwd()
inputname = paste(outputdir, "/testData.txt", sep="")
testchr = 1
testlength = 20000
testmean = 0.001
testsd = 0.2
testproportion = 0.2
testData = syn.genome(data.frame(testchr,testlength,testmean,testsd,testproportion))
# write test data to file note: last column is a weight used for each probe (set all to 1 for this example)
write.table(data.frame(testData$data,1), file=inputname, sep="\t", row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F)
# set default parameters
set = settings()
set$files$file = inputname
set$files$odir = outputdir
set$files$format = "bed"
# run CNV callers
for (x in 1:length(set$algorithms)) {
if (set$algorithms[x] == 1) {
result <- try( names(set$algorithms[x]), list(set) ) )
# combine CNV callers
for (x in 1:length(set$combine)) {
if (set$combine[x] == 1) {
result <- try( names(set$combine[x]), list(set) ) )
# read final CNV call list
finalreport = paste(substr(set$files$file, 1, nchar(set$files$file)-4), "_FinalReport.txt", sep="")
cnv_calls = read.table(finalreport)
colnames(cnv_calls) = c("chr", "start", "stop", "meanl2r", "probes", "start_index", "stop_index", "algorithms", "wscore", "adj_wscore", "p_value")
# make a crude plot
plot(testData$data[,4], pch=20, ylim=c(-3,3))
abline(v=cnv_calls$start_index, col="green")
abline(v=cnv_calls$stop_index, col="red")
using the "testData$rep" variable (the locations of the inserted synthetic CNVs) one could compare the synthetic CNV locations to those detected by CNsolidate i.e. in the "cnv_calls" variable.