This is intended as a simple object oriented wrapper for the Sbanken banking REST API's. It removes the hassle of implementing the rest calls directly. It provides a fairly straight forward promise and async/await based library. All functions will return a promise that can be processed further.
The module supports typescript and has all types from the SBanken API included.
If you use npm
npm install node-sbanken --save
If you use yarn
yarn add node-sbanken
If you want to use command line tool globally
npm install -g node-sbanken
To use the library you first of all need to sign up for beta bank features at Sbanken: Utviklerportalen
const Sbanken = require('./node-sbanken');
const credentials = {
clientId: 'real clientid removed',
secret: 'real secret removed',
customerId: 'real customerId removed',
const sbanken = new Sbanken(credentials);
// Promise syntax
sbanken.accounts().then((data) => {
// Do something with the account data
// async/await syntax
(async () => {
const data = await sbanken.accounts();
import * as sb from './node-sbanken';
const credentials: sb.Credentials = {
clientId: 'real clientid removed',
secret: 'real secret removed',
customerId: 'real customerid removed',
const client = new sb.Sbanken(credentials);
async function getAccounts(sbanken: sb.Sbanken): sb.AccountListResult {
return await sbanken.accounts():
const data: sb.AccountListResult = getAccounts(client);
The module also contains a fairly complete command line client for doing simple banking operations. It can
- List your accounts and filter by name (case insensitive regex)
- List transactions for an account by name
- Transfer funds between your accounts
Help text
$ sbanken
Usage: sbanken [options][command]
A module wrapping the Sbanken APIs, and a command line tool to do banking with sbanken.
-V, --version output the version number
-v, --verbose Tell the program to be verbose
-h, --help output usage information
accounts List all accounts
account|ac [name] List accounts with a given name
customers|cu [options] Fetch the customers associated with the current userId.
transactions|tr [options] <name> Fetch the transactions for the account with name.
transfer [options] <amount> Transfer money between two accounts.
Listing account information
$ sbanken ac --help
Usage: account|ac [options] [name]
List accounts with a given name
-h, --help output usage information
Listing transactions
$ sbanken tr --help
Usage: transactions|tr [options] <name>
Print out transactions for the account matching the provided name.
-f --from <yyyy-mm-dd> From date
-t --to <yyyy-mm-dd> To date
-h, --help output usage information
The command line tool expects you to provide the credentials through the following environment variables:
SBANKEN_CLIENTID="add clientid" SBANKEN_SECRET="add secret" SBANKEN_CUSTOMERID="add userid" npx sbanken
To use the SDK you need to provide the credentials to the constructor.
By making the credentials accessible through code or in your terminal you expose yourself to the risk of a third party getting hold of your banking details. Only use the library or tool if you understand the risk and how to deal with them properly.