A Yii form widget which renders relational data in "Display Widgets" to allow creating and updating model relations
This project is intended to be a more extensible successor to the Yii Relation widget.
Right now only BELONGS_TO and MANY_MANY relations are supported.
Example SRelationWidget call:
<?php $this->widget('ext.yii-srelationwidgets.SRelationWidget',array(
'model' => $model, // the current model
'relation' => 'relationName', // name of the relation
'relationDisplayField' => 'field_id', // name of column / property in the related model to display
'widgetClassName' =>'SDropdown', // name of the widget to actually output (i.e. zii.widgets.jui.CJuiAutocomplete)
// 'widgetDataFormat'=>'text', // optional, defaults to array
'widgetProperties' => array( // the properties you would normally pass into the display widget
'htmlOptions' => array(
)); ?>
Included display widgets:
- SDropdown
- SListbox
- SJuiAutocomplete
- SJuiMultiAutocomplete
- SJuiMultiListBox
Included are some helper Actions and Behaviors to use the AJAX autocomplete widgets, which I will document at a later date.
Version: pre-beta :) Author: Evan Johnson http://splashlabsocial.com
Last updated: 1.18.2012