Code and paper repository for the ICML paper "Learning population level diffusions with generative recurrent networks"
Tex and PDF of the paper are in the root directory.
The codebase consists of four files:
- Theano-functions contains the main inference methods, loss functions, hyperparam optimizers.
- Theano-test runs the simulation datasets
- Single-cell-stuff runs the single-cell rnaseq experiments
- Flow-functions is a non-theano version of the inference methods (deprecated, not used to generate results) and some plotting functions used in single-cell plots.
To use on your own machine, modify theano-functions to write to your own .theanorc (currently writes to /cluster/thashim).
Additionally, for the single-cell data, wget the data from GSE65525 and put it in a directory named `rnase' one level below. The second code block in single-cell-stuff shows expected output.