- App Framework - Rails
- Database - Postgres
- Backend Testing - Rspec-Rails
- Feature Testing - Capybara
- Test Coverage - Simplecov
- Continuous Integration (CI) - Travis
- Development Mailbox - Mailcatcher
- Project Management - Trello
- App Health Monitoring - Sentry
- App Hosting - Heroku
- Make
- Way of handling Payments - Paypal
I start at my local repo's master branch and cut a new feature
git checkout -b <branch_name>
I add all and commit.
git add --all
git commit -m "descriptive and short message"
I push my commits to my forked github repo.
git push <user_name> <branch_name>
I go to the organization repo or my forked copy on github.com and trigger a pull request with the message waiting for me on the page.
I add my trello board story URL and a description of my work to the PR comments description field.
I post in the slack channel with @here prbeg
I await a thumbs up emoji and rebeg if no one responds.
I merge my PR into master.
Once merged I await my changes to be deployed to the qa environment.
To interact with the app's mailers, you need to run Mailcatcher in tandem with Veterans Work. To do this, make sure you've installed it by using gem install mailcatcher
and then open a separate terminal window and activate Mailcatcher with: mailcatcher
This will spin up an inbound mailbox app that you can interact with by opening localhost:1080
in your browser.
As discussed in our first meeting, we will follow a strict protocol for pull requests and deployments. Overall, Veterans Work will be deployed in three environments:
As you develop, you will push from your fork and create pull requests on github.com as such:
my_fork --> organization master auto deploys to qa --> demo --> production
From qa and on, Veterans Work will automatically build and deploy to heroku as app instances on three different URL's when merged into these respective branches:
development: http://qa-veterans-work.herokuapp.com/ | build activity
staging: http://demo-veterans-work.herokuapp.com/ | build activity
production: http://veterans-work.herokuapp.com/ | build activity
Once code is merged into our organization master branch, we propel it through the heroku pipeline using the heroku UI.
Note: No need to open PR's from one branch to another on github.
Login details should be obtained in person for access to the build log and never shared on slack or this repo.