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Repository files navigation

Currently the Documentation is still in progress, for now we have documented media files in this repository. The following is an overview of what an ideal Repository Structure for this repository should look like.

Documentation Repository Structure

This repository houses the documentation for the Lodestone project, built using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Below is an overview of the folder structure and key files:

Folder Structure

  • .github/

    • Contains GitHub-specific configurations, including workflows, issue templates, and actions for automating the repository's operations.
  • components/

    • Holds reusable UI components (React-based) that are used across different documentation pages, promoting code reusability and consistent design.
  • pages/

    • The primary directory for the documentation content, following Next.js conventions. Each file represents a page on the site, e.g., /index.js for the home page, and subfolders for nested routes.
  • public/

    • Stores static assets like images, fonts, and icons. These are accessible via direct URL paths and do not undergo processing like other files.

Key Configuration Files

  • next.config.mjs

    • Configuration file for Next.js. It manages settings related to routing, page generation, and any custom server-side configurations.
  • tailwind.config.js

    • Tailwind CSS configuration file, where the design system (colors, spacing, typography, etc.) is customized to match the project's visual identity.
  • package.json

    • The package manifest that defines the project's dependencies (Next.js, Tailwind CSS, etc.), scripts for building and running the documentation site, and project metadata.

This structure is designed to facilitate easy navigation, contribution, and scalability as the Lodestone project evolves.