Extend React Native stylesheets with media-queries, variables, themes, relative units, percents, math operations, scaling and other styling stuff.
npm i react-native-extended-stylesheet --save
- Define styles using
// component.js
import EStyleSheet from 'react-native-extended-stylesheet';
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
column: {
width: '80%' // 80% of screen width
text: {
color: '$textColor', // use variable $textColor
fontSize: '1.5rem' // use relative unit - CSS3 rem
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
// use styles as usual
<View style={styles.column}>
<Text style={styles.text}>Hello</Text>
- Call
in entry point of your app to actually calculate styles:
// app.js
import EStyleSheet from 'react-native-extended-stylesheet';
// calculate styles
Global variables are useful for global theming or A/B testing of your app.
They are passed to EStyleSheet.build()
and available in any stylesheet.
To use global variable just reference it's name with $
// app entry: set global variables
textColor: '#0275d8'
// component: use global variables
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
text: {
color: '$textColor'
You can put all global variables to separate file to control app theme:
// theme.js
export default {
textColor: '#0275d8',
buttonColor: 'green',
// app entry
import theme from './theme';
You can define nested variables and access them via dot path:
// entry
button: {
size: 10
// component
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
text: {
color: '$button.size'
Local variables can be defined directly in sylesheet and have priority over global variables.
To define local variable just start it with $
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
$textColor: '#0275d8',
text: {
color: '$textColor'
icon: {
color: '$textColor'
Local variables are also available in result style: styles.$textColor
Any value can contain one of following math operations: *
, +
, -
. Operands can be numbers, variables and percents.
For example, to render circle you may create style:
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
$size: 20,
circle: {
width: '$size',
height: '$size',
borderRadius: '0.5 * $size'
Similar to CSS3 rem unit it allows to define any integer value as relative to the root element. In our case root value is special rem
global variable that can be set in EStyleSheet.build()
. It makes easy to scale app depending on screen size and other conditions. Default rem is 16
// component
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
text: {
fontSize: '1.5rem',
marginHorizontal: '2rem'
// app entry
let {height, width} = Dimensions.get('window');
rem: width > 340 ? 18 : 16
Percent values are useful for single-orientation apps because calculation is performed on app start only. They are calculated relative to screen width/height (not parent component!).
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
column: {
width: '80%',
height: '50%',
marginLeft: '10%'
Note: supporting orientation change is always design-decision but sometimes it's really unneeded and makes life much easier. How to lock orientaion for IOS, Android.
Percents in nested components
If you need sub-components with percentage props based on parent, you can achieve it with variables.
For example, to render 2 sub-columns with 30%/70% width of parent:
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
$columnWidth: '80%',
column: {
width: '$columnWidth',
flexDirection: 'row'
subColumnLeft: {
width: '0.3 * $columnWidth'
subColumnRight: {
width: '0.7 * $columnWidth'
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.column}>
<View style={styles.subColumnLeft}></View>
<View style={styles.subColumnRight}></View>
Media queries are supported in standard format (thanks for idea to @grabbou, #5). They allows to have different styles for different screens, platform, orienation etc.
Supported values are:
- media type:
You can define media queries on sheet level or style level:
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
column: {
width: '80%',
'@media (min-width: 350) and (max-width: 500)': { // media query on sheet level
column: {
width: '90%',
header: {
fontSize: 18,
'@media ios': { // media query on style level
color: 'green',
'@media android': {
color: 'blue',
You can apply scale to components by setting special $scale
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
$scale: 1.5,
button: {
width: 100,
height: 20,
marginLeft: 10
This helps to create reusable components that could be scaled depending on prop:
class Button extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
scale: React.PropTypes.number
render() {
let style = getStyle(this.props.scale)
return (
<View style={style.button}>
let getStyle = function (scale = 1) {
return EStyleSheet.create({
$scale: scale,
button: {
width: 100,
height: 20,
marginLeft: 10
To cache calculated styles please have a look on caching section.
Original react-native stylesheets are calculated to integer numbers and original values are unavailable.
But sometimes they are needed. Let's take an example:
You want to render text and icon with the same size and color.
You can take this awesome icon library
and see that <Icon>
component has size
and color
It would be convenient to define style for text and keep icon's size/color in sync.
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
text: {
fontSize: '1rem',
color: 'gray'
In runtime styles
created with original react's StyleSheet
will look like:
styles = {
text: 0
But extended stylesheet saves calculated values under _text
styles = {
text: 0,
_text: {
fontSize: 16,
color: 'gray'
To render icon we just take styles from _text
return (
<Icon name="rocket" size={styles._text.fontSize} color={styles._text.color} />
<Text style={styles.text}>Hello</Text>
Extended stylesheet supports 4 pseudo classes: :first-child
, :nth-child-even
, :nth-child-odd
, :last-child
. As well as in traditional CSS it allows to apply special styling for first/last items or render stripped rows.
To get style for appropriate index you should use EStyleSheet.child()
It's signature: EStyleSheet.child(stylesObj, styleName, index, count)
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
row: {
fontSize: '1.5rem',
borderTopWidth: 1
'row:nth-child-even': {
backgroundColor: 'gray' // make stripped
'row:last-child': {
borderBottomWidth: 1 // render bottom edge for last row
render() {
return (
{items.map((item, index) => {
return (
<View key={index} style={EStyleSheet.child(styles, 'row', index, items.length)}></View>
For the deepest customization you can specify any value as a function that will be executed on EStyleSheet build. For example, you may darken or lighten color of variable via npm color package:
import Color from 'color';
import EStyleSheet from 'react-native-extended-stylesheet';
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
button: {
backgroundColor: '$buttonColor',
$underlayColor: () => Color(EStyleSheet.value('$buttonColor')).darken(0.1).hexString();
render() {
return (
<TouchableHighlight style={styles.button} underlayColor={styles.$underlayColor}>
If you use dynamic styles depending on runtime prop or you are making reusable component with dynamic styling
you may need stylesheet creation in every render()
call. Let's take example from scaling section:
class Button extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
scale: React.PropTypes.number
render() {
let style = getStyle(this.props.scale)
return (
<View style={style.button}>
let getStyle = function (scale = 1) {
return EStyleSheet.create({
$scale: scale,
button: {
width: 100,
height: 20,
marginLeft: 10
To avoid creating styles on every render you can use EStyleSheet.memoize()
wrapper method that works similar to lodash.memoize: store result for particular parameters and returns it from cache when called with the same parameters. Updated example:
let getStyle = EStyleSheet.memoize(function (scale = 1) {
return EStyleSheet.create({
$scale: scale,
button: {
width: 100,
height: 20,
marginLeft: 10
Now if you call getStyle(1.5)
3 times actually style will be created on the first call
and two other calls will get it from cache.
To outline all components for debug purpuses just set special $outline
// outline all stylesheets
EStyleSheet.build({outline: 1});
// outline particular stylesheet
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
$outline: 1,
column: {
width: '80%',
flexDirection: 'row'
* Creates extended stylesheet object
* @param {Object} source style
* @returns {Object} extended stylesheet object
create (source) {...}
* Calculates all stylesheets
* @param {Object} [globalVars] global variables for all stylesheets
build (globalVars) {...}
* Calculates particular value
* @param {*} value
* @param {String} [prop] property for which value is calculated. Needed for example for percent values.
* @returns {*} calculated result
value (value, prop) {...}
* Wraps function to cache calls with the same parameters
* @param {Function} fn
* @returns {Function} wrapped function
memoize (fn) {...}
* Returns styles with pseudo classes :first-child, :nth-child-even, :last-child according to index and count
* @param {Object} stylesheet
* @param {String} styleName
* @param {Number} index index of item for style
* @param {Number} count total count of items
* @returns {Object|Array} styles
child (styles, styleName, index, count) {...}
* Subscribe to events. Currently only 'build' event is supported
* @param {String} event
* @param {Function} listener
subscribe (event, listener) {...}
This method is useful when you want to pre-render some component on init.
As extended style is calculated after call of EStyleSheet.build()
it is not available instantly after creation so you should wrap pre-render
info listener to build
const styles = EStyleSheet.create({
button: {
width: '80%',
// this will NOT work as styles.button is not calculated yet
let Button = <View style={styles.button}></View>;
// but this will work
let Button;
EStyleSheet.subscribe('build', () => {
Button = <View style={styles.button}></View>;
If you have any ideas or something goes wrong feel free to open issue or pull request.