Created by Bud Parr at Sonnet Media in conjunction with the American Bar Association Center for Human Rights with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Types of post pages: video, splash, no image, featured image
splash_image: local filename of image for splash area at top of page splash_position: splash_height: height of splash image area, in pixels: e.g. 425px featured: true (shows on main page slideshow) featured_image: local filename of image above article authors: twitter handle of authors on data page (if they have a bio in data/authors.yaml) author: text name of author (will not be listed on contributors page) comments: false (to not show comments on the page) video: xxxxxxxx (id# of youtube video, shows in hero) pull_Quote: puts a quote up top, in the right aside pull_quote_attribution: attribution for above pull_quote
category: Event, News, Opinion
sponsor: venue: participants: