This repository is made for using two important CoinDCX API
- Historical Candle Data
- Real time Ticks
CoinDCX gives these two as public API but over HTTP or WebSockets, read their documentation
This is not a typical Maven central package, so you will have to go through the pain of using Github Packages (if not already)
For latest version, checkout Packages
CandleAPI candleAPI = new CandleAPI(); // create new CandleAPI instance
CoinCandle[] coinCandles = candleAPI.getHistoricalData(Date.from(Instant.ofEpochMilli(1616284800000L)),
"1d"); // fetches historical data for the given time range and candle period (i.e., candle interval)
for (CoinCandle coinCandle : coinCandles) {
CoinTicker coinTicker = new CoinTicker(); // create new CoinTicker instance (can be used across multi-threads)
coinTicker.connect(); // starts WebSocket
coinTicker.subscribe(new HashSet<>() {{add("B-BTC_USDT");}}); // subscribes for BTC-USDT pair via Binance exchange
coinTicker.setTickListener(System.out::println); // pass a listener so that you can add your business logic
If you find any issue or need some help or want to add more features/API, please create Github Issue (no issue format supported yet, just go ahead and create)