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DataCompressor usage

DataCompressor allows compression of image files using scalar and vector quantization.

The application can load RAW image files and all formats supported by the SCIFIO library.

Help output:

usage: azgracompress.DataCompressor [options] input
 -b,--bits <arg>                   Bit count per pixel [Default 8]
 -bench,--benchmark                Benchmark
 -c,--compress                     Compress 16 bit raw image
 -cbc,--codebook-cache <arg>       Folder of codebook caches
 -d,--decompress                   Decompress 16 bit raw image
 -h,--help                         Print help
 -i,--inspect                      Inspect the compressed file
 -mp,--middle-plane                Use middle plane for codebook creation
 -o,--output <arg>                 Custom output file
 -sq,--scalar-quantization         Use scalar quantization.
 -tcb,--train-codebook             Train codebook and save learned
                                   codebook to cache file.
 -v,--verbose                      Make program verbose
 -vq,--vector-quantization <arg>   Use vector quantization. Need to pass
                                   vector size eg. 9,9x1,3x3
 -wc,--worker-count <arg>          Number of worker threads

Quantization types (QT):

  • This program supports two different quantization types:
  • Scalar quantization, selected by -sq or --scalar-quantization
  • Vector quantization, selected by -vq or --vector-quantization
    • Vector quantization requires you to input the vector dimension after the flag
    • For one-dimensional row vectors you can the length as 9 or 9x1
    • For two-dimensional matrix vectors the dimensions is set by DxD format, eg. 3x3, 5x3
    • For three-dimensional voxel vectors the dimensions is set by DxDxD format, eg. 3x3x3, 5x3x2

Main program methods


  • Use with -c or --compress
  • Compress the selected image planes (Currently supporting only loading from RAW image files).
  • QT is required
  • Set the bits per pixel using -b or --bits and integer value from 1 to 8. Codebook size is equal to (2^bits).
  • Normally the codebook is created for each image plane separately, if one wants to use general codebook for all planes, these are the options:
    • Set the middle plane index using -mp or --middle-plane. Middle plane is used to create codebook for all planes.
    • Set the cache folder by cbc or --codebook-cache, quantizer will look for cached codebook of given file and codebook size.
  • For input file info see Input File section


  • Use with -d or --decompress
  • Decompress the file compressed by this application.
  • This method doesn't require any additional options.


  • Use with -i or --inspect
  • Inspect the compressed image file or cached codebook.
  • Read compressed file header are write the information from that header.

Train codebook

  • Use with -tcb or --train-codebook
  • QT is required
  • This method load all the selected input planes and create one codebook.
  • Codebook is saved to the cache folder configured by the -o option.
  • Codebook is trained from planes configured by the input file, see Input File section


  • Use with -bench or --benchmark
  • QT is required.
  • Run benchmarking code on input planes with selected quantization type,

Input file

  • Input file is required for all methods.
  • Decompress and inspect require only the input file path, while other also require its dimensions
  • If the input file is RAW data file, then image dimensions must be provided as follows:
    • Input file dimensions are inputed in format of DxDxD [D] [D-D]
      • DxDxD is image dimension. Eg. 1920x1080x1, 1041x996x946 (946 planes of 1041x996 images)
      • [D] is optional plane index. Only this plane will be compressed.
      • [D-D] is optional plane range. Only plane in this range will be compressed.
    • D stands for integer values.
  • Planes selected by the index or plane range are used for:
    • Compression
    • Training of codebook
    • Running benchmark

Additional options:

  • -v, --verbose - Make program output verbose.
  • -o, --output - Set the ouput of compression, decompression, codebook training, benchmark.
  • -wc, --worker-count - Set the number of worker threads.

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Compression utility for BigDataServer







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