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Database relational structure

  • suburb (A singular Suburbs Object)
  • suburb_id (ID of the user's suburb)
  • attended (A list of Events object)
  • suburb (A singular Suburbs Object)
  • suburb_id (ID of the user's suburb)
  • events (A list of Events objects.)
  • organisation (A singular Organisation object)
  • org_id (ID of the event's org)
  • attendees (A list of Users object)
  • users (A list of Users object)
  • orgs (A list of Organisation objects)

Logging in


URL = http://host_url/user_login Method = POST

Request format: JSON object with fields username and password. Both fields should be strings.

Example: {username: "test", password: "test"}

Response format JSON object with the following fields:

  • status. Will either be "success" or "failure" depending on if the credentials are correct

  • postcode: User's postcode

  • suburb: User's suburb

  • type: User's account type (student/mentor)

  • username: User's username

  • password: User's password

  • range: User's range

IF type = "student"

  • high_school: Student's High school
  • year_level: Student's year level

IF type = "mentor"

  • address: Mentor's address
  • age: Mentor's age

Example: {'postcode': 3053, 'status': 'success', 'suburb': 'Carlton', 'type': 'test', 'username': 'test', 'password': 'test', 'high_school': 'test', 'year_level': 12}

All other request methods (such as GET) will return a plaintext error message.


URL = http://host_url/org_login Method = POST

Request and Response format same as Users. Refer to above.

Signing up


URL = http://host_url/student_signup Method = POST

Request format: JSON object with fields:

  • username: Username
  • password: Password
  • highschool: Which high school they were in
  • yearlevel: Which year level, must be digit(s)
  • lat: Latitude of the current location of the user
  • longitude: Longitude of the current location of the user
  • range: Range (in km) that the user is willing to volunteer from his Suburb

Example: {username: "admin", password="admin", highschool:"example_hs", yearlevel:10, lat:-36.926079, long:174.727066, range:10}

Response format: A success response will be: {status:"success"}. Failure conditions:

  • Empty username or empty password fields. status will be "failure" and error will be "Empty fields"
  • The username is already registered. status will be "failure" and error will be "Duplicate username"
  • An invalid longitude and latitude. status will be "failure" and error will be "Invalid location"


  • {username: "admin", password="admin", highschool:"example_hs", yearlevel:10, lat:-36.926079, long:174.727066} will result in {status: "success"}

  • {username: "", password="admin", highschool:"example_hs", yearlevel:10, lat:-36.926079, long:174.727066} will result in {status: "failure" error:"Empty fields"}

  • {username: "admin", password="admin", highschool:"example_hs", yearlevel:10, lat:12345, long:67890abc} will result in {status: "failure" error:"Invalid location"}

Make sure the longtitude and latitude is stored correctly in long and lat respsectively. Mixing the 2 up will result in an incorrect suburb being assigned to the user.


URL = http://host_url/mentor_signup Method = POST

Request format: JSON object with fields:

  • username: Username
  • password: Password
  • age: Their age must be digit(s)
  • address: Their address
  • lat: Latitude of the current location of the user
  • longitude: Longitude of the current location of the user
  • range: Range (in km) that the user is willing to volunteer from his Suburb

Example {username: "admin", password="admin", age:21, address:"10 abc St XYZ", lat:-36.926079, long:174.727066, range:10}

Response format Exact same as student signup. Same failure conditions, please refer to above.

Mentor signup and student signup works in very similar fashion, just different URLs.


URL = http://host_url/org_signup Method = POST

Request format: JSON object with fields:

  • name: Name of the business
  • username: Username
  • password: Password
  • lat: Latitude of the current location of the user
  • longitude: Longitude of the current location of the user

Example {name: "businessA", username: "admin", password="admin", lat:-36.926079, long:174.727066, isEvent:False}

Response format Exact same as student/mentor signup. Same failure conditions, please refer to above.

Organisation signup and student signup works in very similar fashion, just different URLs.

Creating an Event

URL = http://host_url/create_event Method = POST

Request format: JSON object with fields:

  • username: Username of selected Organisation
  • password: Password of selected Organisation
  • event_name: Name of the event
  • event_begin: DateTime of when the event starts
  • event_end: Optional DateTime of when the event ends
  • address: Address of the event as just a string
  • description: Description of the event

Example {username: "admin", password="admin", event_name: "Test", event_begin: 2021-04-17 16:39:56.964868, event_end: 2021-04-17 16:39:56.964868, address: '24 Batman Rd', description: 'Test'}

Response format: A success response will be: {status:"success"}. Failure conditions:

  • If the organisation is not eligible to host an event. status will be "failure" and error will be "Organisation is not eligible to create a new event this week"
  • The username and/or password don't match. status will be "failure" and error will be "Issue with user information"

Updating a user profile

URL http://host_url/update_user Method = POST

Request format: JSON object with fields:

  • username
  • password (Username and password must both be non-empty)
  • address
  • highschool
  • yearlevel Must be digits
  • startdate This must be in dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss format
  • enddate This must be in dd/mm/yy hh:mm:ss format
  • suburb This is the name of the suburb
  • postcode This is the suburb postcode

Example: {username: "test", password:"test", address:"test st", highschool:"test", yearlevel:10, startdate:"01/01/21 10:11:12", enddate:"01/02/21 13:14:15", suburb: "Carlton", postcode:3053}

Response format: JSON object with fields:

  • status Can either be success or failure. Failure will indicate something is wrong
  • error Will only appear if status is failure.

Example {'error': "Suburb doesn't exist", 'status': 'failure'}

Searching for events

URL http://host_url/search Method = POST

Request format: JSON object with fields:

  • address
  • range Must be above 0 (in km)

Example: {address: "Melbourne", range: "30"}

Response format: JSON object with fields:

  • status Either success or failure
  • error Only when status is failure, always for when address is not valid
  • events List of all the events that fit the search

Setting up events for the week

URL http://host_url/set_events Method = POST

Request format: JSON object with fields:

  • token using the correct token to be able to set up the events

Response format: JSON object with fields:

  • status Either success or failure
  • error Only when status is failure, always for when token isn't valid

Adding event to Google Calendar

URL http://host_url/calendar Method = POST

Request format: JSON object with username field. username would be the username of the currently logged in user.

Example: {username: "test"}

Response format: url field which contains a URL the user needs to click. URL is a google login URL that basically gives my Google App permission to access user's google calendar via Calendar API. Front end needs to extract that url, and pop it in a new window or something. Once the user has logged in with the Google URL, their latest event will be automatically added to their calendar.

Example {url: "some_long_ass_url"}

Getting an Event

URL http://host_url/get_event Method = POST

Request format : JSON Object with event_id field

Example: {event_id: 1}

Response format JSON object with the following fields:

  • status. Will either be "success" or "failure" depending on if the event_id is correct

IF it is success

  • event_id ID of the event
  • org_id ID of the organisation
  • event_name Name of the event
  • begin DateTime of when the event begins
  • end DateTime of when the event ends (can be None)
  • address String value of the address of the event
  • description Description of the event
  • completed Boolean on whether the event has been completed or not

Example {event_id: 1, org_id: 1, event_name: "Test", begin: :"01/01/21 10:11:12", end: "01/02/21 13:14:15", address: "24 Batman Rd", description: "Test", completed: False}

Paypal integration

Simply put the following script (which will generate paypal buttons) into the website

    src=""> // Required. Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID with your sandbox client ID.
    createOrder: function(data, actions) {
      // This function sets up the details of the transaction, including the amount and line item details.
      return actions.order.create({
        purchase_units: [{
          amount: {
            value: '100'
    onApprove: function(data, actions) {
      // This function captures the funds from the transaction.
      return actions.order.capture().then(function(details) {
        // This function shows a transaction success message to your buyer.
        alert('Transaction completed by ' +;

Currently paypal would only work within a "sandbox environment". Meaning, transactions are tot real and only dummy accounts can be used. Details of the dummy account (used for demo purposes)


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