An RSS feed generator and parser for macOS. Swift and Objective-C compatible.
You can install by either cloning the repo directy and adding the included project or by using one of the package managers, as described below.
Add the package to your project's dependencies. If you have a Package.swift
, it should look similar to this:
dependencies: [
.package(name: "CSFeedKit", url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
Install using CocoaPods by adding this line to your Podfile
target 'MyApp' do
pod 'CSFeedKit'
The example below creates an RSS feed and prints the resulting XML string.
// Create a channel
let channel = CSRSSFeedChannel.init(title: "My RSS feed", link: "http://my.rss.feed/", description: "My first CSFeedKit RSS feed")
channel.category = "Examples"
// Add two items to the channel
var items = Array<CSRSSFeedItem>()
items.append(CSRSSFeedItem(title: "Item 1" , link: "http://my.rss.feed/item1", description: "The coolest item so far."))
items.append(CSRSSFeedItem(title: "Item 2" , link: "http://my.rss.feed/item2", description: "An even cooler item."))
channel.items = items
// Create the feed
let feed = CSRSSFeed()
// Add the channel to the feed
feed.channels = [channel]
// Output the XML
print(feed.xmlElement().xmlString(options: .nodePrettyPrint))
The following prints out the titles and URLs of the items in the Hacker News RSS feed.
// Get the XML string (don't do it like this in the real-world ;) )
let xmlString = try String(contentsOf: URL(string: "")!)
// Init the feed
let feed = try CSRSSFeed(xmlString: xmlString)
// Print channel info
let channel = feed.channels[0]
print("channel: \(channel.title) - \(channel.pubDate ?? Date.distantPast)")
// Print the items
for item in channel.items {
print(" * \(item.pubDate ?? Date.distantPast) - \(item.title) (\(")
Run the built-in example:
Check out the complete documentation on CocoaDocs.