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Sidewalk Accessibility Collection

This repository holds the source code for This project is a collection of 57 photos and videos of sidewalks on the University of Idaho's campus. The collection intends to highlight the problem areas and to aid other students with disabilities in navigating across campus. It also aims to highlight some of the more dangerous regions, especially on Sweet Avenue and Idaho Avenue.

Brief Overview of Building a Collection

The CollectionBuilder Docs contain detailed information about building a collection from start to finish--including installing software, using Git/GitHub, preparing digital objects, and formatting metadata. However, here is a super quick overview of the process:

  • Make your own copy of this template repository by clicking the green "Use this Template" button on GitHub (see repository set up docs). This copy of the template is the starting point for your "project repository", i.e. the source code for your digital collection site!
  • Prepare your collection metadata following the CB-CSV template (see our demo metadata template on Google Sheets and metadata docs). Your metadata will include links to your digital files (images, pdfs, videos, etc) and thumbnails wherever they are hosted.
  • Add your metadata as a CSV to your project repository's "_data" folder (see upload metadata docs).
  • Edit your project's "_config.yml" with your collection information (see site configuration docs). Additional customization is done via a theme file, configuration files, CSS tweaks, and more--however, once your "_config.yml" is edited your site is ready to be previewed.
  • Generate your site using Jekyll! (see docs for how to use Jekyll locally and deploy on the web)

Please feel free to ask questions in the main CollectionBuilder discussion forum.


CollectionBuilder is a project of University of Idaho Library's Digital Initiatives and the Center for Digital Inquiry and Learning (CDIL) following the Lib-Static methodology. Powered by the open source static site generator Jekyll and a modern static web stack, it puts collection metadata to work building beautiful sites.

The basic theme is created using Bootstrap. Metadata visualizations are built using open source libraries such as DataTables, Leafletjs, Spotlight gallery, lazysizes, and Lunr.js. Object metadata is exposed using and Open Graph protocol standards.

Questions can be directed to [email protected]


CollectionBuilder documentation and general web content is licensed Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. This license does NOT include any objects or images used in digital collections, which may have individually applied licenses described by a "rights" field. CollectionBuilder code is licensed MIT. This license does not include external dependencies included in the assets/lib directory, which are covered by their individual licenses.