Welcome to the Circle Chat! The Circle Chat is an online web-based chat application where you can chat with friends. The Circle Chat was built using Node.js
, Express
, Sqlite/Sequelize
, Vite
. Using Vite
and React
, the user can login through the GUI and begin chatting with their friends! If you don't have a login, not to worry, because you can register on the home page! By clicking the "Get Started" button a user can either login or register for a user account. Using third-part authorization, all you need to do is login or register using your Github or Google account! Providing a quick and easy user experience!
The Circle Chat is powered by Socket.io
, a library that enables low-latency, bidirectional, and event-based communication between client and server. With Socket.io, a user can send messages as well as store them so that they can view them later! The front end GUI was built out using Vite
. Vite
is a build tool that aims to provide a faster and leaner development experience for modern web projects. Vite consists of two major parts:
- A dev server that provides rich feature enhancements over native ES modules, for example extremely fast Hot Module Replacement(HMR)
- A build command that bundles your code with Rollup, pre-configured to out put highly optimized static assets for production.
You can learn more about Vite and Socket.io here: Get Started with Vite, Get started with Socket.io
- In order to install this locally, you can clone the repository using
git clone
(Pleas make sure you have the latest version of Node as this is required) - Once the repository has been cloned, run
npm install
- To view the GUI locally, go to the client folder, and run
npm install
, then runnpm run dev
- To run the dev server locally, run
nodemon server.js
- Once the repository has been cloned, run
npm install
- To view the GUI locally, go to the client folder, and run
npm install
, then runnpm run dev
This project was built by the Circle Chat team:
- Mamragbe Diaby
- Lauren Richardson
- Mariah "The Wiz" Dixon
- Krystal Lopez
- Socket.io
- Vite
- Build and Deploy a Realtime Chat Application - Socket.io, Node.js, and React.js
- Passport.js
- Tailwind CSS
- Create A Multi-Page Website With React In 5 Minutes – React Router V6
- Socket.IO - Environment
- Socket.io & WebSockets Tutorials
- Building a RESTful API with Node.js
- ChatCord Repo by bradtraversy