Quiet Backtrace suppresses the noise in your Test::Unit backtrace. It also provides hooks for you to add additional silencers and filters.
sudo gem install thoughtbot-quietbacktrace --source=http://gems.github.com
Silencers remove lines from the backtrace. Create your own:
# Will reject all lines that include the word "mongrel",
# like "/gems/mongrel/server.rb" or "/app/my_mongrel_server/rb"
backtrace_cleaner = QuietBacktrace::BacktraceCleaner.new
backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /mongrel/ }
Filters modify the output of backtrace lines. Create your own:
# Will turn "/my/rails/root/app/models/person.rb" into "/app/models/person.rb"
backtrace_cleaner = QuietBacktrace::BacktraceCleaner.new
backtrace_cleaner.add_filter { |line| line.gsub(Rails.root, '') }
- Test::Unit
Special thanks to the Boston.rb group for cultivating this idea at our inaugural hackfest.
Copyright (c) Dan Croak, James Golick, Joe Ferris, thoughtbot, inc. (the MIT license)