With TwitchTanks you can create a tank game overlay for your twitch stream and your viewers can use chat commands to control up to four tanks and battle each other.
- Download the latest release and unzip it into a folder
- Create a twitch account for the bot
- Go to https://twitchapps.com/tmi/ while being logged into the bot account
- Open the file at
and enter- bot account name
- aouth.... from the generator
- your channel name
- Start
to get the green window - Start OBS and add a new Window Capture
- Window: TwitchTanks.exe
- Capture Method: Windows 10 (1903 and up)
- Window Match Priority: Match title, otherwise find window of same type
- Client Area: X
- You should now see a green area in OBS, make it fullscreen
- Right-click the tanks layer and add a Filter:
- Chroma Key
- Key Color Type: Green
- Similarity: 209
- Smoothness: 150
- Key Color Spill Reduction: 115
- Opacity: 1
- Contrast: -0.1
- Brightness: -0.0544
- Gamma: -0.07
Short build in help with !about
Up two four players can play at the same time. You can join the game or the queue with !join
Once in the game, you can move your tank forwards and backwards with !move +/-N
where N is a number around roughly 20-150.
You can turn your tank with !turn +/-N
where N is the degrees you want to turn (+ is clockwise).
Finally, you can shoot with !shoot N
where N is a number around roughly 20-150.
Multiple commands will overwrite each other by type. Per turn, you can only Move+Rotate+Shoot or Rotate+Move+Shoot. The turn time is indicated in the top left corner. Once you're hit you will leave the game and can queue again with !join