Application built for showing current wind speed and direction using LEDs and a VU meter using a Raspberry Pi
Requires a data.txt in the same directory to load the required details.
data.txt must be in the form appid cityid
Any lines after that will be ignored
Run the following commands on your Pi
sudo apt-get install -y git python-pip
sudo pip install requests
With GPIO pins facing upward and on the right:
1 2
3 4
North-West LED - 5 6 - Ground for LEDs
7 8
Ground for VU - 9 10 - North LED
North-East LED - 11 12 - Out for VU
13 14
15 16 - East LED
17 18 - South-East LED
19 20
21 22 - South LED
23 24 - South-West LED
25 26 - West LED
27 28
29 30
31 32
33 34
35 36
37 38
39 40