Run headless qBittorrent wrapped by WireGuard all inside a Docker container.
Example run command
docker run \
--platform linux/amd64 \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--cap-add=SYS_NICE \
--sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1 \
-p 8080:8080 \
-e WEBUI_PORT=8080 \
-e TZ=America/New_York \
-e PUID="$(id -u $USER)" \
-e PGID="$(id -g $USER)" \
-e WG_INTERFACE="my_wg" \
-e NICE=9 \
-e IONICE_CLASS=idle \
-v ~/qbt:/config \
-v ~/wg_confs:/wg_confs \
-v ~/downloads:/downloads \
-v ~/temp_downloads:/temp_downloads \
-v ~/torrent_export:/torrent_export \
The only required parameters are the --cap-add=...
, --sysctl ...
, and -e WG_INTERFACE=...
. The rest are optional.
Parameter | Description |
Change the port that the qBittorrent WebUI listens on inside the container. Make sure this is the same as the Docker host port (ie. docker run -p <host-port>:<webui-port> ) since the WebUI will reject requests with a different port in the HTTP host name. Default: 8080 |
$TZ |
Change the container timezone. Must be a canonical timezone, pick a TZ identifier from this list |
Run qBittorrent with this user ID to support the right file permissions on mounted volumes |
Run qBittorrent with this group ID to support the right file permissions on mounted volumes |
Name of the Wireguard conf file mounted to /wg_confs/${WG_INTERFACE}.conf (omit the .conf file extension from the parameter) |
Select a open port for seeding as an active node. This requires port forwarding from your Wireguard server. |
Set the CPU scheduling priority of qBittorrent with nice -n $NICE . Default is 10 , set to skip if you don't want to set a niceness. Unless you use skip , you must run the container with --cap-add=SYS_NICE . |
Set the I/O scheduling priority of qBittorrent with ionice -c $IONICE_CLASS . Default is idle , set to skip if you don't want to set a niceness. Unless you use skip , you must run the container with --cap-add=SYS_NICE . |
Container path | Description |
/config |
Contains qBittorrent configuration files |
/wg_confs |
Contains Wireguard conf files that can be used in $WG_INTERFACE |
/downloads |
Default qBittorrent download location. |
/temp_downloads |
Default qBittorrent incomplete download location. |
/torrent_export |
Default qBittorrent location to copy .torrent files to. |
This container is designed to be run in the default bridge network mode.
Internally, it uses wg-quick up
to apply your Wireguard conf.
To ensure qBittorrent doesn't leak traffic outside the Wireguard connection, iptables
is used to block all outbound non-Wireguard traffic, with the exception of traffic initiated from inbound connections so WebUI can work.
To ensure others on your Wireguard network can't access things like the WebUI, there's also a block on all inbound traffic from Wireguard, except if it was initiated by an outbound connection or targets the $TORRENTING_PORT
(for seeding).
The iptables
rules are defined in s6-rc.d/init-wireguard/
Build the Dockerfile
docker build --platform=linux/amd64 -t themacguffinman/qbittorrent-wg:latest .