Zen is command line tool to provide complete file system to access, delete, create, rename your files and so on...
npm i -g @ritikchoure/zen
make sure you install it globally.
To check successfull installation of zen, open command prompt or windows terminal.
Type in your cmd -
zen --version
Using the following command, you can create files -
zen -f filename.extension
Using the following command, you can create folders/directory -
zen -dir foldername
Using the following command, you can rename file/folder -
zen -rn oldfilename newfilename
Using the following command, you can remove file/folder -
zen -rm filename/foldername
Using the following command, you can check existence of any file/folder -
zen -e filename/foldername
Using the following command, you can read contents of the file in utf-8 encoding -
zen -rf filename
Using the following command, it will show the full list or content of your directory.
zen -rd
Using the following command, it will create a zip file of the given file.
zen -zip filename
Using the following command, it will create a local server with 8080 as default port and host index.html, if index.html is exists in the current working directory.
We can use the custom port to listen on the server.
zen -serve
Custom port
zen -serve -p portnumber
Using the following command, you can create and download QR code image in your current working directory
zen -qr <url>
Using the following command, you can check version of zen -
zen -v
zen --version
Using the following command, you can check available commands of zen -
zen --help
If you have any feedback/queries, please reach out to us at [email protected]
Node, FS,