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Poker Caddy

Poker Caddy is a simple poker bankroll manager. It has a Spring Boot backend, a React frontend, and MySQL data storage. The system can be run following the instructions below in order. The Spring Boot application will run with errors if you attempt to start it without following these steps.

Set Up MySQL Server

  1. Follow the instructions here to install MySQL Server on your platform of choice
  2. Set up a password for MySQL using the instructions from step 1
  3. Run CREATE DATABASE db_pokercaddy; in MySQL

Running Spring Boot Application

  1. Uncomment #spring.datasource.password=ENTER YOUR PASSWORD in and enter the password you set for MySQL
  2. Use ./mvnw spring-boot:run to start the Spring Boot application
  3. (optional) To deploy to ec2 add server.port=80 to and use sudo ./mvnw spring-boot:run to run the application

Running React Application

  1. The first time you run the react application, use npm install to install the necessary dependencies
  2. Use npm run-script watch to start the react application, the react frontend will automatically update on changes