- AngularJS v1.0.0+ is currently required.
- jQuery* Until the refactor is complete, some directives still require jQuery
Add the specific modules to your dependencies, or add the entire lib by depending on ui.utils
angular.module('myApp', ['ui.keypress', 'ui.event', ...])
// or if ALL modules are loaded along with modules/utils.js
angular.module('myApp', ['ui.utils'])
Each directive and filter is now it's own module and will have a relevant README.md in their respective folders
At this time, we do not have a build script. You must include all .js
files you wish to work on.
We will likely be adding a Gruntfile.js
in the near future for this
Install Node.js and NPM (should come with)
Install global dependencies
, andkarma
:$ npm install -g karma grunt-cli bower
Install local dependencies:
$ npm install $ bower install
Make sure all tests pass in order for your Pull Request to be accepted
You can choose what browsers to test in: Chrome,ChromeCanary,Firefox,PhantomJS
$ karma start --browsers=Chrome,Firefox test/test.conf.js --single-run=true