TheTVDB - 3.6.4
Release notes - The TVDB - Web 3.6.4
TVD-3537 New cast should be added to the end of the cast list instead of the beginning
TVD-3538 Fix layout bug on episode page causing footer to fall off the right side of the page
TVD-3549 Create SEO redirects for all cast and all artwork pages
TVD-3595 Switch TVDB copyright in footer to use dynamic year instead of hard-coded
TVD-3459 Recently deleted artwork page throws errors (mod tool)
TVD-3577 Resolve some people records having invalid created dates that caused them to be displayed as '-0001'
TVD-3601 Notes - Cascade deletion of a parent comment to its children
TVD-3602 Notes - Within the dashboard report, the link to the notes’ parent record isn’t shown (mod tool)
TVD-3423 Allow empty space around clearlogo/clearart in upload cropping tool
TVD-3438 Add film/tv icon and year to list entries
TVD-3447 Add API keys and PINS to admin user lookup dashboard (admin tool)
TVD-3457 All official lists should be set to English
TVD-3494 Add stripe subscriber info to mod dashboard w/link to stripe profile (admin tool)
TVD-3502 Update phrasing on dashboard API page
TVD-3529 Rework ad placements following loss of locations related to tab restructure
TVD-3533 Display tabs for all people types on series page
TVD-3534 Allow mods to shift-click episode checkboxes in bulk tools (mod tool)
TVD-3547 Add and link upcoming, latest, and first episodes to general tab on shows
TVD-3548 Larger primary artwork sizes and adjusted mobile artwork size
TVD-3552 Restrict featured lists on homepage to those with art and shuffle them.
TVD-3554 On Movies, change Pills to + instead of Add Cast & Crew for consistency
TVD-3561 Remove banner noting mod approval for end users on newly uploaded movies/series
TVD-3597 Creating a movie with non-Latin character slug causes an empty slug and the movie cannot be edited
TVD-3598 Add mod delete controls for non-cast on a series or movie (mod tool)