they call me <wolf />
portfolio website
use technologies
- react
- next
- sass
- svg
- mood board
- wires
- initial project setup
- typescript config
- eslint config
- prettier config
- GitHub repo setup
- header component
- footer component
- slider component using swiper.js
- cover component
- cards components
- home page
- about page
- work page
- contact form
- add noscript tag
- manage content using faunaDB
- sent thank you email using Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)
- favicon
- social media image
- responsive tests
- lighthouse performance test
- deploy on netlify
- go out and have some "beer fun". you deserve it!
use cases
- send a message to the site owner
- check the owner curated projects
- read about each project
- visit available projects
- check the source code on GitHub
- check the site owner biography
- read the site owner posts
- check the most recent musics listen on spotify
- visit owner GitHub, LinkedIN and Twitter pages
- contact owner for work related proposals
- download a printable version of the owner CV in pdf
--- contact: [email protected]
@2021, theycallmewolf.