Reinforcement Genetic Algorithm with Local Search & Simple Randomized Greedy Heuristic for ThOP
First, install and unzip all the files in the github.
Then, in the file, change the directory into where you put the hold thing (for example my is in C disk).
Then, compile the file RLS_GA_RL_S.cpp using the following command in Windows, Linus, etc
g++ RLS_GA_RL_LS.cpp -o main.exe -std=c++11 -O3
Then, if you want to run a file by itself, in Terminal you write:
main.exe testcase_submit\eil51_01_bsc_01_01.thop 23521285 5
The eil51 can be replace by the file name (with .thop), the 23521285 is the random seed number, the 5 is the time limit,
if you want to run all the file, use: