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Folders and files

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Noteful App



Server Set-Up

  • Run expressclone.
  • Create dbs
  • Install pg and postgrator-cli (devDependency) for SQL migration
  • Install knex and xss for testing and server utility.
  • Update .env with DB and TESTDB URLs. (postgresql://localhost/username@dbname)
  • Modify server.js to require knex and create the const db, which establishes a client (pg) and connection (DB_URL) for knex. Call DB_URL from require('./config') and inject into app with app.set before the listen:
const knex = require('knex');
const { PORT, DB_URL } = require('./config');

const db = knex({
  client: 'pg',
  connection: DB_URL

app.set('db', db);
  • Write postgrator-config.js

module.exports = {
  "migrationsDirectory": "migrations",
  "driver": "pg",
  "connectionString": (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test')
    ? process.env.TEST_DB_URL
    : process.env.DB_URL,
  • Update package.json scripts with migrate and migrate:test.

    "migrate": "postgrator --config postgrator-config.js",

    "migrate:test": "env NODE_ENV=test npm run migrate",

DB Design and Migration

  • Sketch ERD structure. Consider foreign key constraints, normalizing, one-to-many vs. many-to-many. Do I need a relationship table? Do I need to alter tables for foreign references?
  • Write initial migrations to create tables. Iterate to test out your database ERD.
  • Write a seed file following the structure to run tests with down the road (can you pull this from front end?).

Service Objects

  • Create directories and NAME-service.js files for each object.
  • Determine necessary CRUD operations and write functions that will interact as expected with the database.


  • Add NAME-router.js files for each directory (In my bash, I wrote a script (routerreq NAME), which generates a NAME-router.js file with all the required constants). Create NAME-endpoints.spec.js and NAME.fixtures.js files in test directory for each object.
const express = require('express'),
  xss = require('xss'),
  FoldersService = require('./folders-service'),
  foldersRouter = express.Router(),
  jsonParser = express.json();


Start the application npm start

Start nodemon for the application npm run dev

Run the tests npm test


When your new project is ready for deployment, add a new Heroku application with heroku create. This will make a new git remote called "heroku" and you can then npm run deploy which will push to this remote's master branch.


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