This API was built to accompany the Chord Courier Client. This server is designed to deliver chords by musical key. Additionally, chords can be filtered down to provide common chord progressions.
/api/chords returns ALL ~250 chords in the database /api/chords/:key returns all chords that fall within a given musical key /api/chords/:key/:progression returns all chords in a given key and within a certain progression
The live application can be found here:
The frontend client repo can be found here:
Complete the following steps to start a new project (NEW-PROJECT-NAME):
- Clone this repository to your local machine
into the cloned repository- Make a fresh start of the git history for this project with
rm -rf .git && git init
- Install the node dependencies
npm install
- Move the example Environment file to
that will be ignored by git and read by the express servermv example.env .env
- Edit the contents of the
to use NEW-PROJECT-NAME instead of"name": "express-boilerplate",
Start the application npm start
Start nodemon for the application npm run dev
Run the tests npm test
Seed your local db with npm run seed
When your new project is ready for deployment, add a new Heroku application with heroku create
. This will make a new git remote called "heroku" and you can then npm run deploy
which will push to this remote's master branch.