Miniterm is a tiny, in-browser terminal emulator designed to be used as a personal portfolio website for back-end developers who are terrible at design. It emulates the behaviour of a bash / linux terminal - and you can add your own custom commands to create an interactive, command-line style personal / CV site!
Check it out live and in action at:
(Use the 'ls' command to list the commands it comes with.)
- Super simple / light - it's just three files of vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Open-source and very easy to customise!
- Sort of responsive. Kind of. Well...who's using terminal on their phone anyway?
- Because it's only three files of HTML, CSS and JS, you can do whatever you like with it. I host it on a tiny Flask (Python) application, but you could integrate it, really, with anything.
- Take note when customising the JavaScript - the auto-generated class names are key to making sure the script works properly.
- It should be self explanatory where in the HTML / CSS files you'll need to add your own information.
- There are no build steps, it's just three files.
- There are definitely a few better ways to build this thing but I hacked it together over an evening, and it does the job :)
- There's no deployment, really - you'll just need to drop it into whatever stack you're going to host it on.
- It will also deploy and run directly in Netlify with no modifications by specifying this Github repo.
- If you've got questions, ideas for improvement, or new commands, I'd love to hear them. Feel free to file an issue, create a branch and submit a pull request.
- Free for personal use. I'd love to know if you use it and what you do with it ! 😊