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Pull requests: thnetii/

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Pull requests list

Bump coverlet.collector from 1.3.0 to 3.1.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#59 opened Jul 20, 2021 by dependabot-preview bot Loading…
Bump MartinCostello.Logging.XUnit from 0.1.0 to 0.1.2 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#58 opened Jul 12, 2021 by dependabot-preview bot Loading…
Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 16.8.0 to 16.10.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#57 opened May 25, 2021 by dependabot-preview bot Loading…
Upgrade to GitHub-native Dependabot dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file
#56 opened Apr 28, 2021 by dependabot-preview bot Loading…
Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#48 opened Dec 4, 2020 by dependabot-preview bot Loading…
Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Http from 3.1.9 to 5.0.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#46 opened Nov 10, 2020 by dependabot-preview bot Loading…
Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.UserSecrets from 3.1.9 to 5.0.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#45 opened Nov 10, 2020 by dependabot-preview bot Loading…
Bump Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting from 3.1.9 to 5.0.0 dependencies Pull requests that update a dependency file .NET Pull requests that update .net code
#44 opened Nov 10, 2020 by dependabot-preview bot Loading…
ProTip! Updated in the last three days: updated:>2025-01-29.