This App is a Regatta Timer for Android Smartwatches.
The Regatta Timer acts like an Optimum Time Series 3 watch which is used on sailing regattas. It has all the timer ans stop watch functionality implemented as the regular watch.
Prog: Adds the configured amount of time to the count down.
Clear: Resets the the count down and stop watch.
Start/Stop: If a count down time is set it starts/stops the couting down. Otherwise a stop watch (count up) ist started/stopped.
Sync: Synchronizes the timer in count down mode to the next whole minute.
Prog: Changing amount of time to be added. Available modes: 5,4,1,0 / 3M / 2M / 1M
Clear: Changing interval mode between repeating and up/down.
In count down mode the timer gives different beep signals indicating how much time is available to zero.
Every minute: Beep
In last minute:
- every 10 sec: Beep
- last 15 secs: two short beeps every second
- zero time: long beep
For making contributions please send me pull requests, but also bugs and enhancement requests are welcome. Although no guarantees on when I can review them.