Rainforest Retail's delivery system is currently experiencing a significant bottleneck due to its reliance on a single warehouse. This centralised approach results in inefficiencies, delays and increased delivery times. Consequently, the fleet of delivery vehicles is being poorly utilised.
To alleviate the pressure on the delivery network, the single warehouse will be replaced with regional hubs. This decentralised model will bring distribution points closer to customers, reducing delivery times and enabling a more responsive and flexible logistics system. To optimise this setup, a clustering algorithm group orders per regional hub into a cluster or orders a van will deliver. Additionally, the clustered order data will be fed into a waypoint optimiser, which will determine the most efficient routes for each van. This approach will improve the utilisation of the delivery fleet, reduce operational costs, and improve overall customer satisfaction by providing faster and more reliable deliveries.
- Java 17
- Spring Boot
- Apache Commons Math
- PostgreSQL
- Hibernate
- JavaScript
- React
- React Bootstrap
- OpenWeather API
- TomTom API
1. Install Dependencies
Install Java 17, JavaScript and PostgreSQL
2. Clone the repostiory
In your terminal, navigate to your desired directory and enter
git clone https://github.com/thomaspeace/capstone_rainforest_retail.git
3. Create Database
Create your local database by running
createdb postgresql
in your terminal.
4. Run the back-end server
Open your IDE of choice, and run RainforestRetailServerApplication.java
5. Create API keys
Get the API keys for the TomTom API and OpenWeatherAPI
5. Create .env file
In your terminal, navigate to the client directory and enter
touch .env
in your terminal. Open this file and enter the following
VITE_TOMTOM_API = <your key here>
VITE_TOMTOM_API_URL = https://api.tomtom.com
VITE_OPENWEATHER_API = <your key here>
Save the file.
6. Install front-end packages
Open your terminal in the client directory and enter
npm install
7. Run your front-end
Open your terminal in the client directory and enter
npm run dev
Name | Github |
Gellila | https://github.com/gellilazeru |
Sunny | https://github.com/SunnyMudhar |
Tom | https://github.com/thomaspeace |
Zuhair | https://github.com/KhanZuh |