This is a RESTful API built with Node.js and Express that demonstrates user and contact management.
- User registration, login, and logout
- Contact creation, retrieval, update, deletion, and search
- Address association with contacts
- Authentication middleware for protected routes
- Node.js
- Express
- Prisma
- Jest (for testing)
- Winston (for logging)
- bcrypt (for password hashing)
- uuid (for generating unique identifiers)
- Joi (for data validation )
- Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment for building server-side applications.
- Express: Web framework for Node.js that simplifies building APIs.
- Prisma: ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) that makes interacting with databases smoother ✨.
- Bcrypt: Securely hashes passwords for user authentication.
- uuid: Generates unique identifiers for users, contacts, and addresses 🪄.
- Joi: Validates user input to ensure data quality ⚖️.
- Jest: Testing framework for Node.js applications.
- Winston: Powerful logging library for capturing and recording application activity 🪵.
- Node.js and Express handle the API server and routing.
- Prisma simplifies database interactions.
- Bcrypt, uuid, and Joi ensure secure and accurate data handling.
- Jest helps maintain code quality through automated testing.
- Winston facilitates monitoring and debugging.
Clone this repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Create a
file in the root directory and set the following environment variable:DATABASE_URL="your_prisma_database_url"
Run the development server:
node src/main.js
- POST /api/users : Register a new user
- POST /api/users/login : Login a user
- GET /api/users/current : Get the current user's information
- PATCH /api/users/current : Update the current user's information
- DELETE /api/users/logout : Logout the current user
- POST /api/contacts : Create a new contact
- GET /api/contacts/:contactId : Get a specific contact
- PUT /api/contacts/:contactId : Update a contact
- DELETE /api/contacts/:contactId : Delete a contact
- GET /api/contacts : Search for contacts
- POST /api/contacts/:contactId/addresses : Create an address for a contact
- GET /api/contacts/:contactId/addresses/:addressId : Get a specific address
- PUT /api/contacts/:contactId/addresses/:addressId : Update an address
- DELETE /api/contacts/:contactId/addresses/:addressId : Delete an address
- GET /api/contacts/:contactId/addresses : List all addresses for a contact
To run tests:
npm test
Pull requests are welcome!