These are my dotfiles and Vim configuration to use this awesome editor as a fully-featured IDE for most programming languages.
- File explorer and quick search.
- Language objects information such as classes, methods, variables, etc.
- Code completion.
- Integrated Git status information.
- Easy buffer navigation between open files.
- Integrated terminal.
In order to use the Vim plugins the following pieces have to be installed manually:
- Git
- Exuberant ctags >= 5.5
- Python3 and its development libraries
- tmux (only if you are using the integrated terminal)
If you are using OSX, you will need to install Vim with Homebrew. Otherwise auto-completion will not work since the version of Vim that comes by default is not compiled with Python3 support.
There is no automatic way to install this, but only a few links need to be created. You can install all the plugins and create the links as follows:
# Install Neovim python3 support
pip3 install neovim
# Clone the repo
git clone
cd dotfiles
# Create the symbolic links in your home
cd ~
ln -s dotfiles/.vimrc
ln -s dotfiles/.vim
Once the links have been created you're done! All the plugins will be automatically installed the first time you open Vim.
If you want to use the integrated terminal tmux
needs to be installed. You can use the provided tmux
configuration by creating the corresponding symlink:
# Create the symbolic for the tmux configuration
cd ~
ln -s dotfiles/.tmux.conf
In order to easily open Vim in a tmux
session that allows you to open the console, add the following lines to the .barhrc file:
# Open Vim with tmux
function vim_tmux() { tmux new -d "vim $*" \; attach; }
alias vim='vim_tmux'
The following keys have been mapped by default:
- F2: Toggle NERDTree.
- F3: Toggle Tagbar (it is opened by default in certain source ccode files).
- F4: Open a vertical split and show the list of existing buffers.
- F5: Open a shell in a tmux split.
- Shift-Left/Right: Change to the previous/next buffer.
- <Ctrl-Space>: In INSERT mode opens the autocompletion popup.
- <Ctrl-p>: Opens the CtrlP file search window.
Plugin | Description |
bufexplorer | Easily show the list of buffers and switch between them |
ctrlp | Rapid file navigation |
deoplete | Autocompletion support |
deoplete-go | Golang language support for deoplete |
nerdtree | The file explorer |
nvim-yarp | Neovim porting for Vim8. Used to enable Deoplete in plain Vim |
tagbar | To show the structure of the files and easily jump to variables, methods, etc |
vim-commentary | Useful to comment/uncomment code |
vim-airline | A fantastic status bar |
vim-autoclose | Automatically close code blocks, etc |
vim-fugitive | Git integration |
vim-go | Golang integration |
vim-hug-neovim-rpc | Compatibility layer for Neovim RPC client for Vim8 |
vim-sensible | Common defaults for the .vimrc |
vim-signify | Show the git stats when editing files |
xmledit | Automatically close tags in xml files |