The capistrano-scalr gem conveniently packages modified versions of Donovan Bray's Scalr capistrano recipes.
First, install the gem:
gem install capistrano-scalr
After gem installation, add the following to your deploy.rb:
set :gateway, "<gateway_host>"
role :gw, gateway, :no_release => true
set :gateway_type, "<centos|ubuntu>"
require 'capistrano-scalr'
The above will automatically connect to your scalr farm using the gateway you specify (the primary database server is a logical choice, since it usually stays pretty static), enumerate the instances in your farm, and populate the scalr_hosts
array with the instances. You can then define roles based on scalr_hosts
role :lb, :no_release => true do
role :web, :no_release => true do
role :app do
role :db, :no_release => true do
role :memcached, :no_release => true do
I also recommend that you use ssh-agent on your development workstation, enable agent forwarding on your scalr hosts, and set this in deploy.rb:
set :ssh_options, { :forward_agent => true }
Once you have completed the above, you can test for proper operation by running the scalr:enum cap task:
$ cap scalr:enum
* executing `scalr:enum'
** SCALR Hosts:
* executing "find /etc/aws/hosts | cut -d\"/\" -f5,6 | grep \"/\""
servers: [""]
* establishing connection to gateway `'
* Creating gateway using
* establishing connection to `' via gateway
[] executing command
** app/
** app/
** www/
** www/
** mysql/
** mysql/
** mysql-slave/
** mysql-master/
command finished
You should now be able to deploy to your scalr farm via capistrano, and not have to worry about having to adjust your deploy.rb when instances change.
- Auto-detect gateway platform
- Thanks to Donovan Bray, the original author of the Scalr capistrano recipes on which this gem's recipes are based
- Thanks to Jamis Buck for the fantastic Capistrano