This an extension for the MagicMirror. It allows to display your kids' cancelled and irregular lessons for schools using Untis software to organize school's timetables. You are able to configure access for each of your kids.
- Navigate into your MagicMirror's
folder and executegit clone
. - Navigate into the new folder
and executenpm install
to generate the node dependencies.
To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js
modules: [
module: "MMM-Webuntis",
position: "top_right",
header: "Untis",
config: { // see 'Configuration options' for more information
students: [
title: "1st child's name",
school: "your school",
username: "your untis username",
password: "your untis password",
server: "untis server"
title: "2nd child's name",
school: "your school",
server: "untis server",
class: "2nd child's class name"
days: 1,
fetchInterval: 5*60*1000,
showStartTime: false,
showRegularLessons: false,
showTeacher: true,
shortSubject: false
- navigate to modules/MMM-Webuntis
- execute
npm run check
This calls check.js with your current configuration file. If there are one or more configurations for MMM-Webuntis these will be printed. Each configuration will be tried by requesting the current timetable.
The server name seems to be invalid. Use the server as shown in the URL after having logged in at, e.g.
Error: Failed to login. {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"error","error":{"message":"invalid schoolname","code":-8500}}
The schools name seems to be wrong. Use the school name as in the URL after having logged in at A plus sign (+) in the URL can be replaced by space.
Error: Failed to login. {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"Awesome","error":{"message":"bad credentials","code":-8504}}
Username or password seem to be wrong. Please check your credentials.
The following properties can be configured:
Option | Description | ||||||||||||||
students |
Array of untis login credentials objects Possible values: array of objects with the following attributes:
days |
Number of days to look ahead Possible values: int from 1 to 10
Default value: 7
fetchInterval |
Defines how often the module shall retrieve data from Untis Possible values: int in milliseconds
Default value: 5*60*1000 (5 Minutes)
showStartTime |
Whether time or lesson order number shall be shown Possible values: true or false
Default value: false The module tries to achieve the timetable of the school and currently assumes that Monday's lesson times are valid for the whole week. When set to false the module matches a start time like "07:40" to "1." for example.
showRegularLessons |
Whether to show also regular lessons or not Possible values: true or false
Default value: false
showTeacher |
Whether to show also teachers name or not or just the initial Possible values: true or false or "initial"
Default value: true
shortSubject |
Whether to show just the subject initials or full subject name Possible values: true or false
Default value: fasle
debug |
Use only for debug purposes! If set to true, the timetable from WebUntis and the parsed lessons will be printed to the MM log Possible values: true or false
Default value: fasle
This module may be useful for students at schools using Untis for the organization of time tables. It uses the node.js wrapper of the WebUnits API by TheNoim and retrieves all lessons in a specified number of days time period. It displays cancelled or irregular subjects so that kids are able to prepare for the next day without pulling the information from the Untis app. The module can be configured for several students.
- node.js Wrapper for WebUntis API (installed via
npm install
This project is based on work done by Paul-Vincent Roll in the MMM-Wunderlist module. (