Backend API for managing Harry Potter characters.
Built with PHP 7.4 and Lumen 8.x.
You need a PHP development as described in Lumen documentation with composer installed.
Then run the follow commands in your terminal:
composer install
cp env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
Edit the .env file with your database configuration (you may use the postgres service from the included docker-compose)
With the database configuration done run the migrations with:
php artisan migrate
For local development there is a
script with the following command to run the PHP localserver:
php -S localhost:80 -t public
There is a docker image based on the official PHP image and a docker-compose.yml file.
The included docker-compose file has a postgres service based on the official image that you can use by defining the variables POSTGRES_DB, POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASSWORD in the .env file and then running :
docker-compose up -d postgres
There are Unit and Integration testing scripts in the /tests folder using Lumen's PHPUnit native integration.
You can run them using the a
shell script that calls the PHPUnit file from the vendor folder.
You can generate the documentation with Swagger UI by running the following:
php artisan swagger-lume:generate
The HTML Swagger UI documentation will be available in both "/" and "/api/docs" routes.