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Merge pull request #83 from vjuntunen/main
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x-ghaf-hw-test changes
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vjuntunen authored Nov 4, 2024
2 parents f939740 + 214d132 commit 37570bb
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Showing 2 changed files with 75 additions and 78 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion ghaf-parallel-hw-test.groovy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ pipeline {
sh "${mount_cmd}"
// Read the device name
dev = get_test_conf_property(CONF_FILE_PATH, env.DEVICE_NAME, 'ext_drive_by-id')
//dev = run_cmd("lsblk -o model,name | grep '${dgrep}' | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | rev | grep .")
println "Using device '$dev'"
// Wipe possible ZFS leftovers, more details here:
Expand Down
152 changes: 75 additions & 77 deletions tests/x-ghaf-hw-test.groovy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@

def REPO_URL = ''
def DEF_LABEL = ''
def TMP_IMG_DIR = './image'
def CONF_FILE_PATH = '/etc/jenkins/test_config.json'

Expand All @@ -15,14 +14,53 @@ def CONF_FILE_PATH = '/etc/jenkins/test_config.json'
string(name: 'IMG_URL', defaultValue: '', description: 'Target image url'),
string(name: 'LABEL', defaultValue: '', description: "Target testagent need to match with target image device! 'orin-nx', 'orin-agx', 'nuc', 'riscv' or 'lenovo-x1'"),
string(name: 'TESTSET', defaultValue: '_boot_', description: 'Target test set (_boot_, _bat_, _perf_, or a combination e.g.: _boot_bat_perf_)'),
booleanParam(name: 'REFRESH', defaultValue: false, description: 'Read the Jenkins pipeline file and exit, setting the build status to failure.')
string(name: 'BRANCH', defaultValue: 'main', description: 'ci-test-automation branch to checkout'),
string(name: 'TEST_TAGS', defaultValue: '', description: 'Target test tags device need to match with given image URL!(combination of device and tag(s) or just a tag e.g.: bootANDorin-nx, SP-T65, SP-T45ORSP-T60 etc..)'),
booleanParam(name: 'REFRESH', defaultValue: false, description: 'Read the Jenkins pipeline file and exit, setting the build status to failure.'),
booleanParam(name: 'FLASH', defaultValue: true, description: 'If this is set then image will be downloaded and drive flashed.')


def parse_image_url_and_set_device() {
if(!params.containsKey('IMG_URL')) {
error("Missing IMG_URL parameter")
// Parse out the TARGET from the IMG_URL
if((match = params.IMG_URL =~ /build_\d.+?\/([^\/]+)/)) {
env.TARGET = "${}"
match = null //
println("Using TARGET: ${env.TARGET}")
} else {
error("Unexpected IMG_URL: ${params.IMG_URL}")

// Determine the device name
if(params.IMG_URL.contains("orin-agx-")) {
env.DEVICE_NAME = 'OrinAGX1'
env.DEVICE_TAG = 'orin-agx'
} else if(params.IMG_URL.contains("orin-nx-")) {
env.DEVICE_NAME = 'OrinNX1'
env.DEVICE_TAG = 'orin-nx'
} else if(params.IMG_URL.contains("lenovo-x1-")) {
env.DEVICE_NAME = 'LenovoX1-1'
env.DEVICE_TAG = 'lenovo-x1'
} else if(params.IMG_URL.contains("generic-x86_64-")) {
env.DEVICE_TAG = 'nuc'
} else if(params.IMG_URL.contains("microchip-icicle-")) {
env.DEVICE_NAME = 'Polarfire1'
env.DEVICE_TAG = 'riscv'
} else {
error("Unable to parse device config for image '${params.IMG_URL}'")
println("Using DEVICE_NAME: ${env.DEVICE_NAME}")
println("Using DEVICE_TAG: ${env.DEVICE_TAG}")

return env.DEVICE_TAG

def sh_ret_out(String cmd) {
// Run cmd returning stdout
return sh(script: cmd, returnStdout:true).trim()
Expand All @@ -45,17 +83,23 @@ def get_test_conf_property(String file_path, String device, String property) {
return property_data

def ghaf_robot_test(String testname='boot') {
def ghaf_robot_test(String test_tags) {
if (!env.DEVICE_TAG) {
error("DEVICE_TAG not set")
if (!env.DEVICE_NAME) {
error("DEVICE_NAME not set")
if (testname == 'turnoff') {
env.INCLUDE_TEST_TAGS = "${testname}"
if (test_tags == 'boot') {
env.INCLUDE_TEST_TAGS = "${test_tags}AND${env.DEVICE_TAG}"
println "Run BOOT test with these tags: -i ${env.INCLUDE_TEST_TAGS}"
} else {
env.INCLUDE_TEST_TAGS = "${testname}AND${env.DEVICE_TAG}"
if (test_tags) {
env.INCLUDE_TEST_TAGS = "${test_tags}"
println "Run test with these tags: -i ${test_tags}"
} else {
println "Test tags is empty, give test tags as parameter when build this job!"
// TODO: do we really need credentials to access the target devices?
// Target devices are connected to the testagent, which itself is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,18 +135,18 @@ def ghaf_robot_test(String testname='boot') {
if (testname == 'boot') {
if (test_tags == 'boot') {
// Set an environment variable to indicate boot test passed
env.BOOT_PASSED = 'true'
} catch (Exception e) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
unstable("FAILED '${testname}': ${e.toString()}")
unstable("FAILED '${test_tags}': ${e.toString()}")
} finally {
// Move the test output (if any) to a subdirectory
sh """
rm -fr $testname; mkdir -p $testname
mv -f *.png output.xml report.html log.html $testname/ || true
rm -fr $test_tags; mkdir -p $test_tags
mv -f *.png output.xml report.html log.html $test_tags/ || true
Expand All @@ -112,7 +156,7 @@ def ghaf_robot_test(String testname='boot') {

pipeline {
agent { label "${params.getOrDefault('LABEL', DEF_LABEL)}" }
agent { label parse_image_url_and_set_device() }
options { timestamps () }
stages {
stage('Refresh') {
Expand All @@ -127,25 +171,16 @@ pipeline {
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
checkout scmGit(
branches: [[name: 'main']],
branches: [[name: "${params.BRANCH}"]],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: REPO_URL]]
stage('Setup') {
steps {
script {
if(!params.containsKey('IMG_URL')) {
error("Missing IMG_URL parameter")
// Parse out the TARGET from the IMG_URL
if((match = params.IMG_URL =~ /build_\d.+?\/([^\/]+)/)) {
env.TARGET = "${}"
match = null //
println("Using TARGET: ${env.TARGET}")
} else {
error("Unexpected IMG_URL: ${params.IMG_URL}")
// Set boot test 'true' if boot test is excluded from wanted test set. Will be set to 'false' later if boot test is included and it fails.
env.BOOT_PASSED = 'true'
currentBuild.description = "${env.TARGET}"
env.TEST_CONFIG_DIR = 'Robot-Framework/config'
sh """
Expand All @@ -155,21 +190,20 @@ pipeline {
echo { \\\"Job\\\": \\\"${env.TARGET}\\\" } > ${TEST_CONFIG_DIR}/${BUILD_NUMBER}.json
env.TESTSET = params.getOrDefault('TESTSET', '_boot_')
println "Using TESTSET: ${env.TESTSET}"
stage('Image download') {
when { expression { params.getOrDefault('FLASH', true) } }
steps {
script {
// env.IMG_WGET stores the path to image as downloaded from the remote
env.IMG_WGET = run_wget(params.IMG_URL, TMP_IMG_DIR)
println "Downloaded image to workspace: ${env.IMG_WGET}"
// Verify signature using the tooling from:
sig_path = run_wget("${params.IMG_URL}.sig", TMP_IMG_DIR)
println "Downloaded signature to workspace: ${sig_path}"
sh "nix run github:tiiuae/ci-yubi/bdb2dbf#verify -- --path ${env.IMG_WGET} --sigfile ${sig_path}"
// sig_path = run_wget("${params.IMG_URL}.sig", TMP_IMG_DIR)
// println "Downloaded signature to workspace: ${sig_path}"
// sh "nix run github:tiiuae/ci-yubi/bdb2dbf#verify -- --path ${env.IMG_WGET} --sigfile ${sig_path}"
// Uncompress
if(env.IMG_WGET.endsWith(".zst")) {
sh "zstd -dfv ${env.IMG_WGET}"
Expand All @@ -183,31 +217,11 @@ pipeline {
stage('Flash') {
when { expression { params.getOrDefault('FLASH', true) } }
steps {
// TODO: We should use ghaf flashing scripts or installers.
// We don't want to maintain these flashing details here:
script {
// Determine the device name
if(params.IMG_URL.contains("orin-agx-")) {
env.DEVICE_NAME = 'OrinAGX1'
env.DEVICE_TAG = 'orin-agx'
} else if(params.IMG_URL.contains("orin-nx-")) {
env.DEVICE_NAME = 'OrinNX1'
env.DEVICE_TAG = 'orin-nx'
} else if(params.IMG_URL.contains("lenovo-x1-")) {
env.DEVICE_NAME = 'LenovoX1-2'
env.DEVICE_TAG = 'lenovo-x1'
} else if(params.IMG_URL.contains("generic-x86_64-")) {
env.DEVICE_TAG = 'nuc'
} else if(params.IMG_URL.contains("microchip-icicle-")) {
env.DEVICE_NAME = 'Polarfire1'
env.DEVICE_TAG = 'riscv'
} else {
error("Unable to parse device config for image '${params.IMG_URL}'")
println("Using DEVICE_NAME: ${env.DEVICE_NAME}")
println("Using DEVICE_TAG: ${env.DEVICE_TAG}")
// Determine mount commands
if(params.IMG_URL.contains("microchip-icicle-")) {
muxport = get_test_conf_property(CONF_FILE_PATH, env.DEVICE_NAME, 'usb_sd_mux_port')
Expand All @@ -223,8 +237,7 @@ pipeline {
// Mount the target disk
sh "${mount_cmd}"
// Read the device name
sh "lsblk -o model,name"
dev = sh_ret_out("lsblk -o model,name | grep '${dgrep}' | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | rev | grep .")
dev = get_test_conf_property(CONF_FILE_PATH, env.DEVICE_NAME, 'ext_drive_by-id')
println "Using device '$dev'"
// Wipe possible ZFS leftovers, more details here:
Expand All @@ -233,23 +246,23 @@ pipeline {
SECTOR = 512
// Disk size in 512-byte sectors
SECTORS = sh(script: "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo blockdev --getsz /dev/${dev}", returnStdout: true).trim()
SECTORS = sh(script: "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo blockdev --getsz /dev/disk/by-id/${dev}", returnStdout: true).trim()
// Unmount possible mounted filesystems
sh "sync; /run/wrappers/bin/sudo umount -q /dev/${dev}* || true"
sh "sync; /run/wrappers/bin/sudo umount -q /dev/disk/by-id/${dev}* || true"
// Wipe first 10MiB of disk
sh "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/${dev} bs=${SECTOR} count=${MIB_TO_SECTORS} conv=fsync status=none"
sh "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk/by-id/${dev} bs=${SECTOR} count=${MIB_TO_SECTORS} conv=fsync status=none"
// Wipe last 10MiB of disk
sh "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/${dev} bs=${SECTOR} count=${MIB_TO_SECTORS} seek=\$(( ${SECTORS} - ${MIB_TO_SECTORS} )) conv=fsync status=none"
sh "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk/by-id/${dev} bs=${SECTOR} count=${MIB_TO_SECTORS} seek=\$(( ${SECTORS} - ${MIB_TO_SECTORS} )) conv=fsync status=none"
// Write the image
sh "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo dd if=${env.IMG_PATH} of=/dev/${dev} bs=1M status=progress conv=fsync"
sh "/run/wrappers/bin/sudo dd if=${env.IMG_PATH} of=/dev/disk/by-id/${dev} bs=1M status=progress conv=fsync"
// Unmount
sh "${unmount_cmd}"
stage('Boot test') {
when { expression { env.TESTSET.contains('_boot_')} }
when { expression { params.getOrDefault('FLASH', true) } }
steps {
script {
env.BOOT_PASSED = 'false'
Expand All @@ -258,26 +271,11 @@ pipeline {
stage('Bat test') {
when { expression { env.BOOT_PASSED == 'true' && env.TESTSET.contains('_bat_')} }
steps {
script {
stage('Perf test') {
when { expression { env.BOOT_PASSED == 'true' && env.TESTSET.contains('_perf_')} }
steps {
script {
stage('Turn off') {
stage('HW test') {
when { expression { env.BOOT_PASSED == 'true' } }
steps {
script {
Expand Down

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