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alejandrodnm edited this page Jul 11, 2022 · 55 revisions

Release checklist

Table of contents

Step-by-step release process

Prepare release PR

  • Create a branch named release-{version}:
    • If it's a patch release, based the new branch out of the one that contains the fixes. For example, if we added some fixes to the already released release-0.12 branch, then it will be the base for our 0.12.1 release.
  • Update version and appVersion in deploy/helm-chart/Chart.yml
  • Update Promscale in pkg/version/version.go update. If required, update the values for PrevReleaseVersion, PgVersionNumRange and ExtVersionRangeString.
  • If the release includes changes to prom-migrator, update the version variable at migration-tool/cmd/prom-migrator/main.go.
  • (optionally) Update prom-migrator version in .goreleaser.yml (2 places)
  • Run ./scripts/
  • Finalize CHANGELOG, adding release version and date
  • Commit: git commit -a -m "Prepare for the 0.1.0-alpha.4 release"
  • Create PR:
    • For major/minor releases the PR should target the master branch.
    • For patch releases the PR should target the release branch it was based of.
  • Wait for review and merge.

Prepare git tag

  • Pull the branch were the PR was merged, it should be master for major/minor and release-{version} for patch releases. Triple check that you have the right commit checked out.
  • tag commit: git tag -a 0.1.0-alpha.1 -m "Release 0.1.0-alpha.1"
  • push tag to main repo (not in fork!) git push origin 0.1.0-alpha.1

Create GitHub release notes

The goreleaser GitHub Action will automatically create a new draft release with the generated binaries, docker images, and a changelog attached. When it is created contact PM to validate if release notes are correct and click green publish button.


For major/minor releases:

  • Update Promscale and PrevReleaseVersion in pkg/version/version.go to the next devel version.
  • Commit: git commit -a -m "Prepare for the next development cycle"
  • Create PR & Merge when ready
  • Update Promscale docs to point to the latest release as done in this PR

For patch releases:

  • Update Promscale docs to point to the latest release as done in this PR.
  • Create a branch based on master.
  • Cherry-pick the commits related to the patch.
  • Merge back into master.

Take a breath. You're done releasing.

Release notes guide

Here are a couple of good examples of release notes which can be used for comparison:

The following sections describe the different aspects of the release which should be highlighted.

Headline Features

Describe the major features of this release. Point to announcements or blog posts for reference.


It's nice to shout out to community members who've contributed some changes. Use the following to find all authors (and then figure out who are internal and external on your own):

git shortlog --summary --numbered --email <PREV_RELEASE>..<CURRENT_RELEASE>


Highlight functionality which has been deprecated in this release, and give and indication of when users can expect that the deprecated functionality will be removed.

Backwards-incompatible changes

Highlight functionality which has been removed in this release, and point out the alternatives (if present).

Upgrade notes

Provide any notes on special steps that users must take during the upgrade, e.g. configuration changes which must (or can) be made.


This will be automatically populated by goreleaser. Remove all bors merge commits and dependabot version bump commits.