Linux4Tegra release: R32.4.4 JetPack release: 4.4.1
Boards supported:
- Jetson-TX1 development kit
- Jetson-TX2 development kit
- Jetson AGX Xavier development kit
- Jetson Nano development kit
- Jetson Nano eMMC module with rev B01 carrier board
- Jetson Xavier NX Development Kit
- Jetson Xavier NX eMMC module in dev kit or Nano carrier board
Also supported thanks to community support:
- Jetson-TX2i module
- Jetson-TX2 4GB module
- Jetson AGX Xavier 8GB module
This layer depends on: URI: git:// branch: master LAYERSERIES_COMPAT: gatesgarth
Some packages outside the L4T BSP can only be downloaded with an NVIDIA Developer Network login - in particular, the CUDA host-side tools.
To use any packages that require a Devnet login, you must create a Devnet account and download the JetPack packages you need for your builds using NVIDIA SDK Manager.
You must then set the variable NVIDIA_DEVNET_MIRROR to "file://path/to/the/downloads" in your build configuration (e.g., local.conf) to make them available to your bitbake builds. This can be the NVIDIA SDK Manager downloads directory,
The SDK Manager downloads a different package of CUDA host-side tools depending on whether you are running Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04. If you downloaded the Ubuntu 16.04 package, you should add
CUDA_BINARIES = "cuda-binaries-ubuntu1604"
to your build configuration so the CUDA recipes can find them. Otherwise, the recipes will default to looking for the Ubuntu 18.04 package.
CUDA 10.2 supports up through gcc 8 only. Pre-built binaries in the BSP appear to be compatible with gcc 7 and 8 only. So use only gcc 7 or gcc 8 if you intend to use CUDA. Recipes for gcc 8 have been imported from the OE-Core warrior branch (the last version of OE-Core to supply gcc 8) to make it easier to use this older toolchain.
See this wiki page for information on adding the
layer to your builds and configuring them for GCC 8.
Please use GitHub ( to submit issues or pull requests, or add to the documentation on the wiki. Contributions are welcome!