A simple and easy to use library for listening to location permission changes. This only works for iOS.
yarn add react-native-location-permissions
npm install react-native-location-permissions --save
Cocoapods will take care of all the magic! You're done!
react-native link react-native-location-permissions
The callback to invoke when the user's location permissions change
Registers a callback to be invoked whenever the user's location permissions change. The callback is invoked with an event
argument which contains a string representation of the current permission under the status
This method returns a function which you should invoke when you want to unregister the callback, for example, in your app's componentWillUnmount
const off = locationPermissions.onPermissionsChange((event) => {
const { status } = event;
if (status === locationPermissions.notDetermined) {
console.log(`Location permissions not yet determined`);
else if (status === locationPermissions.authorizedAlways || status === locationPermissions.authorizedWhenInUse) {
console.log(`Location permissions granted`);
} else {
console.log(`Location permissions denied`);
// Whenever you want to unregister.