One of the last remaining features Android phones have which has no iOS equivalent is scheduled text messages. Samsung phones have this feature built into the stock texting app. While iOS 13 brings capabilities for scheduled automation, the Messages app remains secluded in the walled garden.
- Node.js
- Yarn
- ES6
Edit contacts.txt with one contact per line using the following csv format.
full name,phone number,birthday eg. MM-DD,time zone eg. America/New_York,group name eg. associate
An example value would look like this
chad brad,12345678901,01-15,America/New_York,associate
Edit events.txt with one event per line using the following csv format.
event date eg. MM-DD,message,timeOfDay (see types in Events.js),target group name
An example value would look like this
12-25,Merry Christmas! 🎄,morning,associate
Instructions on running, including disabling SIP can be found here
This scheduler currently supports recurring dates only. This does not support holidays like Thanksgiving, Easter, Memorial Day (last day in May), Mother's Day or Father's Day. React frontend for scheduling messages from a web browser.
This open source project is an independent project and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc.
iMessage, iOS, Mac, El Capitan, and Apple are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
This Template is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3) and is distributed free of charge.
Timothy Miller
GitHub: 💡
Website: 💻
Donation: 💸