A collection of the best GCD singleton macros.
Cleanup your code!
There are lots of GCD singleton macros out there. Some are from Apple, some are on Github, some are on Stack Overflow. This collects the three main types into one header file, easily included by CocoaPods.
There are 3 main ways to create singletons using these macros.
This is the best one, in my opinion. It follows a prevailing naming convention in recent Cocoa modules, and needs no parameters.
The first example relies on the convention that the
designated initializer
for your class is simply init
. The second uses a block to allow you
to call any initializer.
sharedInstance, default initializer
// MyClass.h
@interface MyClass
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;
// MyClass.m
@implementation MyClass
sharedInstance, custom initializer
// MyClass.h
@interface MyClass
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;
// MyClass.m
@implementation MyClass
return [[MyClass alloc] initWithAnotherInitializer];
This one follows a longer-standing naming convention in Cocoa modules, and needs to be told what this class is.
sharedClassname, default initializer
// Database.h
@interface Database
+ (instancetype)sharedDatabase;
// Database.m
@implementation Database
sharedClassname, custom initializer
// Database.h
@interface Database
+ (instancetype)sharedDatabase;
// Database.m
@implementation Database
return [[Database alloc] initWithAnotherInitializer];
This one gives you the most flexibility: you can use any method name. Unlike the other options, you have to define the method in your implementation file.
Method body only approach
// Utility.h
@interface Utility
+ (instancetype)defaultUtility;
// Utility.m
@implementation Utility
+ (instancetype)defaultUtility
return [[Utility alloc] initWithAnotherInitializer];
You can simply copy the header file into your project.
If you want updates, use CocoaPods:
pod 'SharedInstanceGCD'
I've consolidated the macros written by several people. If you'd like to look at a couple, check out this gist, and this SO article.