- Device tracking and Invoicing application for Enterprises.
To change Database go to "DOMS/settings.py" and find "DATABASE = " then change database (visit here for more https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/settings/#databases). Default Database is SQLite.
Migrate Database by typing this:
python manage.py migrate
- To Add new user go to "DOMS/urls.py" uncomment this line:
# url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
by deleting "#". Then login into admin(Django administration). click Users -> add and add user.
- Again comment this line:
url(r'^admin/', admin.site.urls),
to hide admin(Django administration).
- Add order
- Add products
- Export Order (pdf, excel, csv and etc)
- Edit / Delete Order
- Search Order
- Print Invoice
- Easy interface
- Mobile view
- Inventory Management
- purchase report
- sells report
- stock management
- invoicing and send pdf as email
Tinker technology [email protected]