This CLI tool is designed to make it easy to deploy small applications.
Only works on Linux.
NOTE: The documentation is currently outdated, but is mostly accurate for v0.8.0 and v0.9.0.
# optional, defaults to false
"dployer": true,
"info": {
"latest": "main"
"secrets": {
# required if dployer set to true, otherwise optional
"dployer_env": "BWS_ACCESS_TOKEN",
"ids": [
"<secret id>",
"<secret id>",
Required files
- tidploy.json/toml
The password set for the deploy
stage is passed as an environment variable with key equal to secrets.deployer_env
Required files
- tidploy.json/toml
If dployer is not specified, it is assumed that the set password for the deploy
stage is the BWS_ACCESS_TOKEN
. Secrets in secrets.ids
will be loaded and passed to the
as environment variables.
Simple deployment tool for deploying small deploy units and loading secrets
Usage: tidploy <COMMAND>
download Download tag or version with specific env
deploy Deploy tag or version with specific env
auth Save authentication details for specific stage until reboot
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Download tag or version with specific env
Usage: tidploy download [OPTIONS] <ENV> [GIT_REF]
Possible values:
- localdev: Local development environment
- staging: Staging environment
- production: Production environment
Version or tag to download
-r, --repo <REPO>
Git repository URL, defaults to "origin" remote of current Git root, looks for TI_DPLOY_REPO_URL env variable if not set. Set to 'git_root_origin' to ignore environment variable and only look for current repository origin
[default: default_git_root_origin]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Save authentication details for specific stage until reboot
Usage: tidploy auth [OPTIONS] <STAGE>
Possible values:
- download: Download stage
- deploy: Deploy stage
-r, --repo <REPO>
Git repository URL, defaults to "origin" remote of current Git root, looks for TI_DPLOY_REPO_URL env variable if not set. Set to 'git_root_origin' to ignore environment variable and only look for current repository origin
[default: default_git_root_origin]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Deploy tag or version with specific env
Usage: tidploy deploy [OPTIONS] <ENV> [GIT_REF]
Possible values:
- localdev: Local development environment
- staging: Staging environment
- production: Production environment
Version or tag to deploy. Omit to deploy latest for env
-r, --repo <REPO>
Git repository URL, defaults to "origin" remote of current Git root, looks for TI_DPLOY_REPO_URL env variable if not set. Set to 'git_root_origin' to ignore environment variable and only look for current repository origin
[default: default_git_root_origin]
-l, --latest
Whether to get the latest version of the ref (default: true)
-c, --recreate
Whether to recreate the database (default: false)
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')