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Jedoo is a java jdbc wrapper for database query execution to accelerate development processes inspired from Medoo project.


Jedoo is using HikariCP v.3.4.1 database connection pooling library. You should add this library to your project.

Getting started

To get started with Jedoo, Clone com.pwwiur.util.database package to your project and set database connection information at file:

private final String DRIVER = "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver";
private final String HOST = "jdbc:mysql://";
private final String PORT = "3306";
private final String DATABASE = "database_name";
private final String USER = "username";
private final String PASSWORD = "password";

Now you can add database singleton to your java classes by using import static:

import static com.pwwiur.util.database.Jedoo.database;


Using Jedoo is very easy. A test file has been added to source code to know how is using Jedoo possible.It has plenty of functions that helps developerts to query fast. Here is some of those functions:


ResultSetHandler is a AutoClosable class that should be closed at the end of process, try-finally syntax of java is used in this example to close it after execution to avoid memory leaking problems.

In this example a user from database is selected:

try(ResultSetHandler rsh ="users", "*", "username = ?", "pwwiur")) {
    String name = rsh.first().resultset.getString("name");
    System.out.println("User Name:" + name);

In this example all users are selected:

try(ResultSetHandler rsh = database.all("users")) {
    while( {
        System.out.println("User ID:" + rsh.resultset.getLong("id"));
        System.out.println("User Name:" + rsh.resultset.getString("name"));

You can a also convert selected data from database to json array by Jedoo:

try(ResultSetHandler rsh = database.all("users")) {
    JSONArray json = rsh.toJSON();


There is plenty of functions in jedoo to insert data to database, but the most common one is:

long id = database.insert("users", new Object[][]{
    {"name", "Amir"},
    {"username", "pwwuir"}


There is also some functions for updates exection in Jedoo, One of them is:

database.update("users",  new Object[][]{
    {"name", "Amir Forsati"},
    {"active", 0}
}, userId);

Also you can use setter functions to update one column of [a row of] a table. For example:

database.setString("users", "email", "[email protected]", userId);

Methods list

There so many usefull methods to accelerate development process of project. Their list are mentiod below:

  • query: To execute custom queries.
  • select: Selects data from database.
  • all: To get all records in a table.
  • get: To get a record by its ID.
  • getString: To get a string typed column of a record by its ID.
  • getLong: To get a long typed column of a record by its ID.
  • getInt: To get a integer typed column of a record by its ID.
  • getBytes: To get a byte array typed column of a record by its ID.
  • count: To count records of a table by some conditions.
  • max: To calculate maximum number of a column of records of a table by some conditions.
  • min: To calculate minimum number of a column of records of a table by some conditions.
  • avg: To calculate avarage number of a column of records of a table by some conditions.
  • sum: To calculate sum of a column of records of a table by some conditions.
  • has: To check if record(s) or a table exist in database.
  • modify: To execute custom updates to database.
  • insert: To insert new data to database tables.
  • delete: To delete some data from a database table.
  • update: To update record(s) in a table.
  • setString: To set value of a string typed column of a record by its ID.
  • setLong: To set value of a long typed column of a record by its ID.
  • setInt: To set value of a int typed column of a record by its ID.
  • setBytes: To set value of a byte array typed column of a record by its ID.

Understanding the functions of Jedoo is easy, You can check source code for more information about their arguments and return types.

Contribution Guides

For most of the time, Jedoo is using dev branch for adding feature and fixing bug, and the branch will be merged into master branch while releasing a public version. For contribution, submit your code to the dev branch, and start a pull request into it.

On dev branch, each commits are started with [fix], [feature] or [update] tag to indicate the change.


This software is licensed under Apache v2 license, the terms you may find is in the file named LICENSE.txt.


A java jdbc wrapper class for query execution








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