Plugin that allows you to queue AJAX calls and do a single HTTP request.
Activating the plugin will load a global AJAXQueue
JavaScript object.
More documentation coming soon (isn't it always?), but this is how it works:
AJAXQueue.add(action, params, callback);
is the action registerd with the WP AJAX API (ie: wp_ajax_{action}
is the map that represents the actual POST request for this action.
is going to be called with the JSON response for this specific action. The exact same callback you use for a standard AJAX call should work fine.
Once you enqueue all your calls, you simply call:;
Just register your AJAX handlers as usual. Nothing special.
The only requirement is that you use core's JSON functions to return your data:
and wp_send_json_success
. Don't ever use die();
or exit;
manually or this won't work.
This is a good practice anyway so if this requirement is a problem, shame on you!
add_action( 'wp_ajax_action_with_error', function () {
wp_send_json_error( [ 'message' => strtoupper( $_POST['my_arg'] ) ] );
} );
add_action( 'wp_ajax_action_with_ok', function () {
wp_send_json_success( [ 'message' => md5( rand() ) ] );
} );
AJAXQueue.add('action_with_error', {my_arg:'wooot!'}, function(response){ console.log(response) } );
AJAXQueue.add('action_with_error', {my_arg:'you can call the same action multiple times!'}, function(response){ console.log(response) } );
AJAXQueue.add('action_with_ok', {}, function(response){ console.log(response) } );;