= Regional Exclusivity
This extension offers a way to give a customer "regional exclusivity" for an item for a given time and radius. In the case I created this for, a customer would have exclusive purchase protection within a 100 mile radius during a "season" that runs for 12 months of the year. The day after the season ends, the protection resets.
= Defaults
To change the radius or date range for protection, edit these values in 'regional_exclusivity_extension.rb'
RADIUS = 100
CURRENT_SEASON_START_DATE = Date.new( y=Time.now.year, m=1, d=1 )
= Zip Data
Distance calculations rely on zip code lat/lng data and the GeoKit plugin/gem. To load GeoKit:
script/plugin install git://github.com/andre/geokit-rails.git
The zip data is in a zips.txt. It's not the most up to date, but it's freely available and will get you close (unless you want exclusivity that's within a few miles). Put the 'regional_exclusivity/db/zips.txt' file into you Spree 'db' folder, then run:
rake db:zip_load
If you have existing orders, after running the migrations, run this rake task to update each with the necessary lat/lng data:
rake db:zip_info_update
= Views
This does require some customization of the views to handle the display of the regional protection lookup. I specifically blocked display of the 'add to cart' button unless the check has been passed.
The top of my product show.html.erb looks like this:
<% if product_price(@product) %>
<p class="prices">
<%= t("price") %>
<br />
<span class="price selling"><%= product_price(@product) %></span>
<% end %>
<% if @product.regionally_protected? && ( @available.nil? || !@available[:value] ) %>
<p class="regional_exclusivity">
<h2>Regional protection</h2>
<%= '<h3 style="color: red;">' + @available[:message] + '</h3>' unless @available.nil? %>
<label>Enter your zip code</label><br />
<form action="<%= request.path %>" method="get" accept-charset="utf-8">
<%= text_field_tag( :availableTo, '', :class => "title", :size => 6 ) %>
<button type='submit' class='small'>Check Availability</button>
<% else %>
<%= '<h3 style="color: green;">' + @available[:message] + '</h3>' unless @available.nil? %>
<% form_for :order, :url => orders_url do |f| %>
<% end %>