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Default Configurations
Tan Jin edited this page Jul 14, 2024
14 revisions
On this page, you will find default configurations for the files generated by the plugin. Note that signs.yml
is not included here as it is a file that should not be modified. Files below are updated as of version 1.8.0.
# #
# General Configurations #
# #
# language file to use (feel free to add your own lang file within the lang folder of the plugin and put the name here)
lang-file: 'en.yml'
# if true, will play a sound to the player when tax is collected
enable-sound: true
# sound to play (requires enable-sound to be true)
# list of supported sound: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# debt mode is used to determine what happens if a player does not have enough money to pay tax
# 0 - player will not be taxed at all (exempted)
# 1 - player will be taxed all current balance (balance will essentially be set to 0)
# 2 - player will be taxed the full amount (player will end up with a negative balance)
debt-mode: 0
# commands to run if a player does not have enough money to pay taxes, use %player% for player name
# note: commands also support papi placeholders
- broadcast &b%player% &cdoes not have enough money to pay taxes!
# note: tax exemptions can be done via the following 6 permission nodes:
# quicktax.exempt.*
# quicktax.exempt.collectname
# quicktax.exempt.collectall
# quicktax.exempt.collectbal
# quicktax.exempt.collectrank
# quicktax.exempt.collectactivity
# more information here: https://github.com/tjtanjin/QuickTax/wiki/Tutorial#commands--permissions
# #
# Leaderboard Configurations #
# #
# interval (in seconds) between updating the leaderboard (set to -1 to disable)
# not recommended updating too frequently, especially if you have a large player-base
# plugin reloads will restart/update this interval count from the point of reload
update-interval: 3600
# if true, will first update leaderboard on server start
# if false, will first update leaderboard upon reaching the specified interval
update-on-start: true
# #
# Storage Configurations #
# #
# whether to write updated player data to file/mysql or not at all
# options here include: MySQL, YAML and None
# The use of storage allows monitoring of taxes paid by players which is required for the following functions:
# - checking player and server stats
# - leaderboard (/qt top, signs and heads)
# - withdrawing money from the server balance
# disable this if you have a huge player-base and notice performance issues
storage-type: None
# mysql connection details (ignore if not using)
port: 3306
user: quicktax
password: password
database-name: quicktax
table-name: quicktax
# #
# Grief Prevention Integration #
# #
# whether to tax player balance depending on claimblocks as well (ratio set in respective sections)
# if true, additional tax will be imposed on players depending on the total amount of claimblocks they have
tax-claims: false
# whether to tax based on claimblocks that are used only
# applicable only when tax-claims is true as well
active-claims-only: false
# whether to remove all claims belonging to player if player does not have enough money to pay taxes
# requires tax-claims to be true as well
# test and use this with caution since removing player claims is a destructive action!
auto-remove-claims: false
# #
# Section for configuring tax on all players #
# #
# the options here apply when the /quicktax collectall command is used
# if true, the values used for bal-amount will be in percentage (0.1 = 10%)
# note that if player balance is negative, then percentage will default to 0% (no tax)
use-percentage: false
# amount of balance to tax
bal-amount: 100
# the amount of tax per claimblock (0.1 = tax $0.1 for every 1 claimblock the player has)
claims-ratio: 0.0
# #
# Section for configuring tax on players based on rank #
# #
# the options here apply when the /quicktax collectrank command is used
# if true, the values used for bal will be in percentage (0.1 = 10%)
use-percentage: false
# list down your ranks in order of priority (players will be taxed based on first matched rank)
# the example below lists 3 ranks, each specified with the amount of balance to tax (claim is optional)
# rank knight
bal: 300
claims-ratio: 0.0
use-percentage: false # optional, if set will apply only to this specific rank
# rank apprentice
bal: 200
claims-ratio: 0.0
# rank novice
bal: 100
claims-ratio: 0.0
# #
# Section for configuring tax on players based on balance #
# #
# the options here apply when the /quicktax collectbal command is used
# if true, the values used for bal will be in percentage (0.1 = 10%)
use-percentage: false
# list down your balance threshold to tax from (inclusive)
# the example below lists 3 balance thresholds, each specified with the amount of balance to tax (claim is optional)
# balance 100000 or more
bal: 300
claims-ratio: 0.0
use-percentage: false # optional, if set will apply only to this specific balance bracket
# balance 10000 or more
bal: 200
claims-ratio: 0.0
# balance 1000 or more
bal: 100
claims-ratio: 0.0
# #
# Section for configuring tax on players based on activity #
# #
# the options here apply when the /quicktax collectactivity command is used
# if true, the values used for bal will be in percentage (0.1 = 10%)
use-percentage: false
# list down your last seen activity (in seconds) threshold to tax from (inclusive)
# the example below lists 3 activity thresholds, each specified with the amount of balance to tax (claim is optional)
# last seen more than 1 week ago
bal: 300
claims-ratio: 0.0
use-percentage: false # optional, if set will apply only to this specific activity bracket
# last seen more than 1 day go
bal: 200
claims-ratio: 0.0
# currently active
bal: 100
claims-ratio: 0.0
# #
# Section for PAPI placeholders (ignore section if not using) #
# #
# list of PAPI placeholders are provided below
# {} brackets indicate variable names e.g. {scheduleName} represents a valid schedule name and {rank} represents a player position
# %qtax_server_tax_collected% - total server tax collected
# %qtax_server_tax_balance% - total server tax balance
# %qtax_player_total_paid% - player's total tax paid
# %qtax_player_last_paid% - player's last tax paid
# %qtax_schedule_type_{scheduleName}% - get the schedule type
# %qtax_schedule_freq_{scheduleName}% - get the schedule frequency (seconds)
# %qtax_schedule_next_run_{scheduleName}% - get the time for schedule's next run
# %qtax_schedule_timezone_{scheduleName}% - get the schedule timezone
# %qtax_schedule_last_collected_{scheduleName}% - get the last collected tax amount for schedule
# %qtax_top_name_{rank}% - get the player name at specified rank
# %qtax_top_tax_{rank}% - get the player total tax paid at specified rank
# #
# Global Configuration #
# #
# this is a global enable/disable option for all schedules (and is of the highest priority)
# if this is false, none of the schedules will run even if they are enabled in their own sections
enabled: false
# if true and there are schedules enabled, they will automatically run on server start or plugin reload
# otherwise it will only start with the schedule start command
autostart: false
################################## VERY IMPORTANT NOTES ########################################################
# users unsure of the schedule config are advised to try this on a test server before actual use
# catastrophic damage can be done to the server economy if you accidentally set tax collections to be done every second!
# read through the entire schedule config carefully before use, including the examples!
# you should always enable and start a collection task within a 24-hour window of your intended first run because
# specifying the start date/month for the first run of a collection is not supported
# in other words, DO NOT enable and run the schedule more than 24 hours before your intended start year/month/date/time
# to those who wonder why date/month is not supported, it adds a lot more confusion for players who may treat it
# as a repeating month/date - should you still be confused on how to schedule long term tasks, please contact me on
# discord at: FrozenFever#8284
# a full wiki will be written to better explain all these in the near future
# #
# Schedule Configuration #
# #
# the section below is to be used for scheduling repeated tax collections (3 examples have been provided)
# you may use other unique names for your own schedules
# example1 shows how to repeat a tax collection from all players daily at 12 midnight from GMT+8 timezone
# whether to use this schedule - note that if schedules are globally disabled this value will be ignored
enabled: false
# whether to start repeating the task from a fixed time
# if true, will begin running the task the next time the clock reaches the timestamp configured below
# if false, the repeating task will start count from every plugin load/server start
# note that false is not recommended in most situations (better to specify exact timings for easier management)
startFromFixedTime: true
# timings below (24-hour format) are ignored if startFromFixedTime is set to false
# a list of supported timezone is provided at the end of the config
timezone: "GMT+8" # indicates timezone being used
hour: 0 # 12am
minute: 0 # 0 minute
second: 0 # 0 second
# interval between collecting tax (in seconds)
frequency: 86400 # everyday
# which tax command to run (collectall, collectrank or collectbal)
type: collectall
# whether to update the leaderboard after scheduled collection run (storage-type cannot be none for this to work)
update-leaderboard-on-run: false
# commands to run after scheduled collection is complete (e.g. broadcast, reward players)
# papi placeholders may also be used here (e.g. %qtax_top_name_1%, %qtax_top_tax_1%)
- broadcast &aTax Collection Completed!
- broadcast &b%qtax_top_name_1% &apaid the most tax at &e%qtax_top_tax_1%&a!
# example2 shows how to collect tax based on rank at 1 hour intervals from the time the plugin is loaded
enabled: false
startFromFixedTime: false
timezone: "GMT+8" # does not matter for this example since startFromFixedTime is false
hour: 0 # does not matter for this example since startFromFixedTime is false
minute: 0 # does not matter for this example since startFromFixedTime is false
second: 0 # does not matter for this example since startFromFixedTime is false
frequency: 3600 # every 1 hour
type: collectrank
update-leaderboard-on-run: false
- broadcast &aTax Collection Completed!
# example3 shows how to collect tax based on balance at weekly intervals at 3pm (GMT+4)
enabled: false
startFromFixedTime: false
timezone: "GMT+4"
hour: 15 # 3pm
minute: 0 # 0 minute
second: 0 # 0 second
frequency: 604800 # every week
type: collectbal
update-leaderboard-on-run: false
- broadcast &aTax Collection Completed!
# supported timezones
# GMT-12
# GMT-11
# GMT-10
# GMT-9
# GMT-8
# GMT-7
# GMT-6
# GMT-5
# GMT-4
# GMT-3
# GMT-2
# GMT-1
# GMT+0
# GMT+1
# GMT+2
# GMT+3
# GMT+4
# GMT+5
# GMT+6
# GMT+7
# GMT+8
# GMT+9
# GMT+10
# GMT+11
# GMT+12
# plugin prefix
prefix: '&6[&bQuickTax&6] '
# messages that support placeholders have them listed as comments on the right of the message
# general messages
reload-success: '&aQuickTax has been reloaded!'
reload-fail: '&cFailed to load config/message files. Check for error/missing fields in them or contact the author if you believe this to be an error.'
invalid-command: '&cInvalid command, type &6/quicktax help&c!'
invalid-syntax: '&cInvalid syntax, type &6/quicktax help&c!'
invalid-schedule: '&cAn invalid schedule was found, please check your schedule file!'
no-permission: '&cYou do not have the permission to run this command!'
storage-disabled: '&cA valid storage type must be set in config for this feature to work!'
player-not-exist: '&cThe player name you entered does not exist!' # %player%
player-load-in-progress: '&cLoading player data, please try again later.'
# tax payment/withdrawal messages
tax-collect-individual-in-progress: '&aStarting tax collection from %player%' # %player%
tax-collect-all-in-progress: '&aStarting tax collection from all players...'
tax-collect-rank-in-progress: '&aStarting tax collection from players based on rank...'
tax-collect-bal-in-progress: '&aStarting tax collection from players based on balance...'
tax-collect-activity-in-progress: '&aStarting tax collection from players based on activity...'
tax-collect-success-individual: '&aTax collected from &b%player%&a!' # %player%
tax-collect-success-all: '&aTaxes collected for all players!'
tax-collect-success-rank: '&aTaxes collected for players by rank!'
tax-collect-success-bal: '&aTaxes collected for players by balance!'
tax-collect-success-activity: '&aTaxes collected for players by activity!'
tax-withdraw-success: '&aBalance withdrawn successfully!'
tax-withdraw-fail: '&cThere is insufficient server tax balance!'
tax-collect-fail-individual: '&b%player% &chas no money to pay tax!' # %player%
tax-collect-already-running: '&cAn existing tax collection is ongoing, please try again later!'
tax-exempt: '&cThe player &b%player% &cis exempted from your tax collection!'
player-pay-tax-fail: '&cYou have insufficient balance to pay tax!' # %player%
player-pay-tax-success: '&aTax was collected from you and you have paid $%amount%!' # %player%, %amount%
player-receive-tax-money: '&aYou received $%amount% from the server tax balance!' # %amount%
# admin modify server balance messages
admin-add-server-balance: '&aYou have added $%amount% to the server balance!' # %amount%
admin-take-server-balance: '&aYou have taken $%amount% from the server balance!' # %amount%
admin-set-server-balance: '&aYou have set $%amount% as the server balance!' # %amount%
# scheduling messages
schedule-disabled: '&cThis command requires schedule to be enabled in its config!'
schedule-not-found: '&cThere are no tax collection schedules to run!'
schedule-run: '&aTax collection schedule now loaded and running!'
schedule-stop: '&cTax collection schedule has been stopped!'
schedule-already-running: '&cTax collection schedule is already running!'
schedule-not-running: '&cTax collection is not running!'
schedule-not-exist: '&cThe schedule you entered does not exist!' # %schedule%
# leaderboard messages
update-started: '&aStarted tax payer leaderboard update.'
update-in-progress: '&cUpdate is currently in progress, please try again later.'
update-complete: '&aThe leaderboard update is complete!'
no-updated-leaderboard: '&cThere is no updated leaderboard yet!'
quicktax-sign-placed: '&aLeaderboard sign for rank %rank% has been placed!' #%rank%
quicktax-sign-broken: '&aLeaderboard sign for rank %rank% has been broken!' #%rank%
no-quicktax-sign-add-permission: '&cYou do not have permission to create a leaderboard sign!'
no-quicktax-sign-remove-permission: '&cYou do not have permission to break a leaderboard sign!'
# format for help command
help-header: '&b----- &6Commands &b-----'
help-body: |
&a/quicktax help &b- view a list of help options
&a/quicktax pay <amount> &b- pay tax to the server
&a/quicktax top &b- view tax payer leaderboard
&a/quicktax stats &b- view your own tax stats
&a/quicktax stats <name> &b- view a specific player's tax stats
&a/quicktax collectall &b- tax all players
&a/quicktax collectrank &b- tax players based on rank
&a/quicktax collectbal &b- tax players based on balance
&a/quicktax collectactivity &b- tax players based on activity
&a/quicktax collectname <name> <amount> &b- tax a specific player
&a/quicktax server stats &b- view the server total tax stats
&a/quicktax server withdraw <amount> &b- withdraw money to self from server tax balance
&a/quicktax server withdraw <amount> <name> &b- withdraw money to player from server tax balance
&a/quicktax server admin add <amount> &b- add money to the server tax balance
&a/quicktax server admin take <amount> &b- take money from the server tax balance
&a/quicktax server admin set <amount> &b- set the server tax balance
&a/quicktax schedule start &b- start tax collection schedule
&a/quicktax schedule stop &b- stop tax collection schedule
&a/quicktax schedule view &b- view all schedules
&a/quicktax schedule view <name> &b- view a specific schedule
&a/quicktax update &b- manually trigger an update for the leaderboard
&a/quicktax reload &b- reloads the plugin
help-footer: '&6Type &e/quicktax help %page% &6to view next page' # %page% is the next page number
# format for showing playerstats
# supports the following placeholders:
# %player%
# %latesttaxpaid%
# %totaltaxpaid%
player-stats: |
&b----- &6%player% Stats &b-----
&aLatest Tax Paid: &b%latesttaxpaid%
&aTotal Tax Paid: &b%totaltaxpaid%
# format for showing serverstats
# supports the following placeholders:
# %totaltaxcollected%
# %totaltaxbalance%
server-stats: |
&b----- &6Server Stats &b-----
&aTotal Tax Collected: &b%totaltaxcollected%
&aTotal Tax Balance: &b%totaltaxbalance%
# format for showing schedules
# supports the following placeholders:
# %schedulename%
# %enabled%
# %fixedstarttime%
# %timezone%
# %hour%
# %minute%
# %second%
# %frequency%
# %type%
# %nextruntime%
schedule-view: |
&b----- &6%schedulename% &b-----
&aEnabled: &b%enabled%
&aFixed Start Time: &b%fixedstarttime%
&aTimezone: &b%timezone%
&aStart Time: &b%hour%h %minute%m %second%s
&aFrequency: &b%frequency%s
&aType: &b%type%
&aNext Run: &b%nextruntime%
# format for leaderboard sign message (line 1 and 2 are fixed, only line 3 and 4 are customizable)
# supports the following placeholders:
# %player%
# %totaltaxpaid%
leaderboard-sign: |
# format for leaderboard
leaderboard-header: |
&b----- &6Tax Payer Leaderboard &b-----
# %num% is rank position, %player% is player name and %totaltaxpaid% is player total tax paid
leaderboard-body: |
&a%num% &b%player%: &e%totaltaxpaid%
# %page% is the next page number
leaderboard-footer: |
&6Type &e/qt top %page% &6to view next page