A program to simulate Conway's Game of Life and other cellular automata that thrive on a torus and use a Moore neighborhood.
On linux:
...after making sure that you have everything necessary to build it, which should be general c compiling stuff and SDL 2 unless you want to build without gui support in which case compile as
make nogui
cellular_automata [-h] [-r ruleset] [-n N [-o file | -O format]] [-w W H | seed_file]
-h - Print this help text and exit.
-r ruleset - Automaton ruleset on the form surviveset/birthset, e.g. 23/3 for
Conway's Game of Life (which is assumed if the parameter is omitted).
-n N - Run in batch mode for given number of turns. If omitted the program
will start in interactive graphics mode.
-o file - In batch mode, write the last generation to the assigned file in
raw NetPBM (P4) format.
-O format - In batch mode, write all frames to enumerated files described by
the given format. Example: -O frame_%04d.pbm will give frame_0000.pbm, frame_0001.pbm etc.
-w W H - create an empty world of given height and width.
The width will be rounded up to the nearest number divisible by eight.
seed_file - Load a world from a seed file, either in raw NetPBM (P4) format, or from a plain
text file with the format described below.
If neither a -w parameter nor a seed file has been specified, an empty world of 100x100 cells
is created.
The file should begin with "txt" followed by (white space separated) width, height,
horizontal offset, vertical offset, and then data.
The offset values are for if you want to e.g. make a big world and place a small seed kernel
in the middle and not have to draw all the empty space around it. The data is one character per
cell, '#' denotes a live cell, anything else is a dead cell, except for newlines ('\n'), which
increases the y position, and resets the x position to the offset value.
The Interactive mode starts in a paused state. Pressing the space bar toggles between paused and
running state. It is also possible to increase or decrease the delay between iterations with the
There are some example seeds in the example directory.
mkdir out
./cellular_automata -n 32 -O out/pentomino_frame_%02d.pbm examples/r-pentomino
./cellular_automata -r 23/3 examples/r-pentomino-large
./cellular_automata -w 100 100